锅炉冷凝水水质处理工艺设计[毕业论文],配套开题报告,任务书,外文翻译等下载地址http://www.queshao.com/docs/272770/ 摘 要 锅炉蒸汽冷凝水回用是一项利国利民的节能减排工作。本文通过冷凝水利用方法的介绍和效益分析,探讨了蒸汽冷凝水回收的可行性、必要性和重要性。 该文阐述了工业锅炉的主要水质指标,并对锅炉给水和锅水的水...

此文档由会员 xiaoma121 发布配套开题报告,任务书,外文翻译等下载地址http://www.queshao.com/docs/272770/
摘 要
Condensed water of boiler treatment process design
The boiler steam condensation water reuse is a industry for energy conservation and emissions reduction. This article through the condensed water use of good benefit analysis method is introduced , this paper discusses the feasibility of the steam condensation water recycling, necessity and importance.
This paper expounds the main industrial boiler water quality indexes, and the boiler water supply and pan of water of the water treatment method and principle are summarized. This design is divided into the pot and the pot water treatment water treatment. The condensed water pot water treatment after into recycling equipment, sodium hydrogen ion exchange chromatography, except the iron processing, oxygen treatment, sewage treatment, and finally the water treatment in the pot. The condensed water boiler water treatment process has been quite mature. The condensed water of boiler treatment production of the raw material technology is already quite mature, and the advantages of this technology are: functional layout area clear, smooth process, the pipeline simple, smooth transportation, the production process proper waste disposal reasonable, production areas are relatively concentrated layout, the workshop is also close to the load center etc. The operation result shows that this system has better economic and environmental benefits due to its advanced technique, simple operation, high recovery and high pollution control efficiency.
The design of water quality stabilization process design include: process design, material balance, process equipment selection, Energy calculations.
Keywords: Boiler condensate water; Recovery ; Energy saving ;Sewage ; Lon exchange .
目 录
引 言 1
第1章 总 论 2
1.1 设计背景 2
1.1.1 概况 2
1.1.2 设计必要性 2
1.2 设计的原则及范围 2
1.2.1 设计原则 2
1.2.2 设计范围 3
1.3 设计的意义 3
第2章 锅炉冷凝水的水质及处理要求 4
2.1 关于锅炉及各项水质类型的概念 4
2.1.1 锅炉 4
2.1.2 锅炉用水名称 4
2.2 冷凝水对锅炉安全运行的影响 4
2.2.1 结垢 4
2.2.2 引起受压元件的腐蚀 5
2.2.3 垢下腐蚀(也属电化学腐蚀) 6
2.2.4 蒸汽腐蚀 7
2.2.5 应力腐蚀的条件 7
2.3 工业锅炉的水质指标 7
2.3.1 水质指标[2] 7
2.3.2 水质标准衡量物 8
2.3.3 水中的硬度与碱度的关系 8
第3章 冷凝水水质处理流程的理论介绍 10
3.1 冷凝水锅外水质处理 10
3.1.1 冷凝水回收 10
3.1.2 软化处理 10
3.1.3 除铁处理 12
3.1.4 除氧处理 13
3.1.5 排污处理 13
3.2 锅内水质处理 14
第4章 冷凝水水质处理工艺流程 18
4.1 冷凝水水质处理总体工艺流程 18
4.1.1 工艺流程总述 18
4.1.2 冷凝水的水质特性 18
4.2 冷凝水水质处理工艺流程分段表述 19
4.2.1 预处理:冷凝水进回收箱 19
4.2.2 氢- 钠离子交换法 19
4.2.3 除铁处理 20
4.2.4 除氧处理 22
4.2.5 锅内加药处理 22
第5章 冷凝水水质处理工艺计算 24
5.1 离子软化工序 24
5.1.1软化水箱回收率的确定 24
5.1.2 离子交换后冷凝水的处理量 24
5.1.3 节省的余热 25
5.1.4 节约用盐量 26
5.2 精密过滤除铁工序 26
5.3 凝结水排污工序 27
5.3.1 排污率的计算 27
5.3.2 节省的余热 28
5.4 冷凝水各段工艺回收物料一览表 28
第6章 主要生产设备设计 29
6.1 换热器的选型及进出口温度确定 29
6.1.1 选择换热器的类型 29
6.1.2 确定流体流动空间及进出口温度 29
6.2 查阅物性 29
6.3 试算和初选换热器规格 30
6.3.1 计算热负荷和冷流体流量 30
6.3.2 计算两流体的平均温差 30
6.3.3 初选换热器规格 30
6.4 核算压强降 31
6.4.1 管程压强降 31
6.4.2 壳程压强降 31
6.5 核算总传热系数 32
6.5.1 管程对流传热系数 32
6.5.2 壳程对流传热系数 32
6.5.3 污垢热阻 33
6.5.4 总传热系数 33
6.5.5 设计裕度核算 33
6.6 换热器主要附件的确定 33
6.7换热器的主要结构和尺寸 34
结论与展望 36
致 谢 38
参考文献 39
附录 40
表2-1 天然水按硬度分类....................................................................................................10
表2-2 天然水按含量分类....................................................................................................10
表2-3 给水和锅水监测的指标及意义................................................................................11
表2-4 硬度与碱度的关系....................................................................................................14
表3-1 淡水中氧的溶解值....................................................................................................18
表5-1 冷凝回水回收率与控制硬度的关系.........................................................................28
表5-2 冷凝水水质处理工艺物料衡算表.............................................................................28
表6-1 27.5℃下水的物性数据..............................................................................................29
表6-2 57.5℃经排污后热水的物性数据..............................................................................30
表6-3 初步选定换热器型号.................................................................................................30
表6-4 换热器计算结果汇总.................................................................................................34