无线电遥控器的设计,①页数 25②字数 12505③摘要 摘 要:随着电子科学技术的发展,遥控遥测技术在高科技研究、工农业生产、通信技术、军事技术、家用电器等诸多领域得到了广泛地应用。特别是随着各类遥控专用集成电路不断问世,使得各类遥控设备的性能更加优越、可靠,功能也更加完善。该系统设计主要是围绕无线电遥控的相关理论和应...

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①页数 25
②字数 12505
摘 要:随着电子科学技术的发展,遥控遥测技术在高科技研究、工农业生产、通信技术、军事技术、家用电器等诸多领域得到了广泛地应用。特别是随着各类遥控专用集成电路不断问世,使得各类遥控设备的性能更加优越、可靠,功能也更加完善。
Abstract: With the electronic science and technology,remote telemetry study in the high-tech,industrial and agricultural production,communication、technology、military technology、household appliances and many other fields has been widely used。Especially with the various types of remote control application-specific integrated circuits continue to come out,making all kinds of remote control equipment,superior performance、reliability and function better。
The system is designed mainly around the radio-controlled application of relevant theory and research。The remote control device crystal frequency stabilization using pulse amplitude modulation transmitter,A simpler circuit,high frequency stability,launched 28MHZ are continuous carrier amplitude。The use of self-extinguishing type surpass generate receiver detection mode,detector non-linear class job at job status,with intermittent high-frequency oscillation and detection of double features,a higher receiver sensitivity。Rustling noise after detection for specific circuit。The effective control of it from no less than 30M can be used for car models、model ships、home appliances、such as the remote control。
目 录
绪论 1
1无线电遥控及基本原理 3
1.1无线电遥控和遥控指令 3
1.2遥控装置及其分类 3
1.3无线电遥控设备的组成及基本原理 3
2设计思路及系统功能 4
2.1设计思路 4
2.2系统功能 5
3系统原理方框图及方案论证 5
3.1系统原理方框图 5
3.2方案论证 5
4系统芯片六反相器CC4069介绍 7
5各单元电路设计 9
5.1无线电发射电路与接收电路 9
5.1.1无线电发射电路 9
5.1.2无线电接收电路 10
5.2晶体振荡电路设计 12
5.3脉冲振荡电路设计 13
5.5超再生检波电路设计 14
5.7 6V直流稳压源设计 14
6总体电路图及工作原理 15
7设计体会与结论 18
7.1设计体会 18
7.2结论 18
结束语: 19
参考文献 20
Keyword:Radio Control;Transmitter;Receiver;Household Appliances;Intermittent high frequency oscillation
[1] 王成华.电路与模拟电子学[M]. 北京:科学出版社, 2003.
[2] 童诗白.模拟电子技术基础[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2003.
[3] 房增田、孙寒鹏.无线电爱好者手册[M]. 北京:人民邮电出版社, 1985.
[4] 宋东生.无线电爱好者读本[M].北京:人民邮电出版社, 1983.
[5] 帕尔涅斯; Парнес; 俞肇基.无线电设备装配和安装的机械化和自动化[M].北京:国
[6] 米哈伊洛夫.无线电电子设备电磁兼容性参数测量 [M].北京:航空工业出版社, 1988.
[7] 肖景.无线电遥控组建及其应用电路[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2004.
[8] 陈永甫.无线电遥控入门[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2007.
[9] 吴慎山.高频电子线路[M] .北京:电子工业出版社, 2007.
①页数 25
②字数 12505
摘 要:随着电子科学技术的发展,遥控遥测技术在高科技研究、工农业生产、通信技术、军事技术、家用电器等诸多领域得到了广泛地应用。特别是随着各类遥控专用集成电路不断问世,使得各类遥控设备的性能更加优越、可靠,功能也更加完善。
Abstract: With the electronic science and technology,remote telemetry study in the high-tech,industrial and agricultural production,communication、technology、military technology、household appliances and many other fields has been widely used。Especially with the various types of remote control application-specific integrated circuits continue to come out,making all kinds of remote control equipment,superior performance、reliability and function better。
The system is designed mainly around the radio-controlled application of relevant theory and research。The remote control device crystal frequency stabilization using pulse amplitude modulation transmitter,A simpler circuit,high frequency stability,launched 28MHZ are continuous carrier amplitude。The use of self-extinguishing type surpass generate receiver detection mode,detector non-linear class job at job status,with intermittent high-frequency oscillation and detection of double features,a higher receiver sensitivity。Rustling noise after detection for specific circuit。The effective control of it from no less than 30M can be used for car models、model ships、home appliances、such as the remote control。
目 录
绪论 1
1无线电遥控及基本原理 3
1.1无线电遥控和遥控指令 3
1.2遥控装置及其分类 3
1.3无线电遥控设备的组成及基本原理 3
2设计思路及系统功能 4
2.1设计思路 4
2.2系统功能 5
3系统原理方框图及方案论证 5
3.1系统原理方框图 5
3.2方案论证 5
4系统芯片六反相器CC4069介绍 7
5各单元电路设计 9
5.1无线电发射电路与接收电路 9
5.1.1无线电发射电路 9
5.1.2无线电接收电路 10
5.2晶体振荡电路设计 12
5.3脉冲振荡电路设计 13
5.5超再生检波电路设计 14
5.7 6V直流稳压源设计 14
6总体电路图及工作原理 15
7设计体会与结论 18
7.1设计体会 18
7.2结论 18
结束语: 19
参考文献 20
Keyword:Radio Control;Transmitter;Receiver;Household Appliances;Intermittent high frequency oscillation
[1] 王成华.电路与模拟电子学[M]. 北京:科学出版社, 2003.
[2] 童诗白.模拟电子技术基础[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2003.
[3] 房增田、孙寒鹏.无线电爱好者手册[M]. 北京:人民邮电出版社, 1985.
[4] 宋东生.无线电爱好者读本[M].北京:人民邮电出版社, 1983.
[5] 帕尔涅斯; Парнес; 俞肇基.无线电设备装配和安装的机械化和自动化[M].北京:国
[6] 米哈伊洛夫.无线电电子设备电磁兼容性参数测量 [M].北京:航空工业出版社, 1988.
[7] 肖景.无线电遥控组建及其应用电路[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2004.
[8] 陈永甫.无线电遥控入门[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2007.
[9] 吴慎山.高频电子线路[M] .北京:电子工业出版社, 2007.