连续梁毕业设计,摘 要本次毕业设计的题目是梅州市龙港大桥施工图设计,专题题目是主跨40m的连续梁桥设计。依据《公路桥涵通用设计规范 jtg d60—2004》和《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范jtg d62—2004》,通过综合运用所学过的基础理论及专业知识,独立进行桥梁设计。首先,根据地形图提出三种桥型比较方...

原文档由会员 xyab2010 发布连续梁毕业设计
摘 要
本次毕业设计的题目是梅州市龙港大桥施工图设计,专题题目是主跨40m的连续梁桥设计。依据《公路桥涵通用设计规范 JTG D60—2004》和《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范JTG D62—2004》,通过综合运用所学过的基础理论及专业知识,独立进行桥梁设计。
关键词: 连续梁桥; 等截面; 先简支后连续; 桥梁博士
The title of this graduation design is the design of the Longgang bridge.The special title is the design of a continuous bridge with the main span of 40 meters.According to 《The Common Specification of Highway Bridge and Culvert JTG D60-2004》and 《Specifications for Design of Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Highway Bridges and Culverts JTG D62-2004》,we have to design the bridge independently with the use of the knowledge of basic theory and profession lesson.
The first step is to give three types of the bridge according to topograohic map.then according to the comparison from the appearance,the degree of construction difficulties and construction cost and so on ,we choose the best suitable type.
The second step is to design the chosen type ,which is a continuous prestressed concrete bridge with a combination of long-span for 40m+40m+40m+40m.In structure design,the se- ction of beam adopts double room and box.The height of the beam is 2 meters all through the bridge. The continuous bridge after simply supported is adopted in this bridge construction.
The last step is is to set up a modle with DrBridge ,then import the exact imformation of the construction,such as characters of materials、the shape of sections,to export the sheet of the area of steel tendons which the section of each unit needs .then we can arrange the steel tendon correctly. Then we can finish the calculation book ,according to the construction internal force,the live load internal force,the long(short) effect combination and the checking calculation of the steel tendons given by DrBridge.At the mean while, we have to draw program figures and construction drawings.
Keywords: Continuous beam bridge; Uniform beam; Continuous bridge after simply supported; Doctor Bridge
目 录
绪 论 1
1 设计说明 2
1.1 设计依据规范和技术指标 2
1.1.1 设计依据规范 2
1.1.2 主要技术指标 2
1.2 设计内容 3
1.3 设计要求 3
1.4 设计日程表 3
1.5 比选方案 4
1.6 主要材料 6
1.6.1 混凝土 6
1.6.2 钢材 6
1.6.3 纵向预应力管道 7
1.6.4 锚具 7
1.7 施工工艺 7
2 桥跨总体布置及结构尺寸拟定 8
2.1 桥梁结构图示及尺寸 8
2.1.1 桥孔分跨 8
2.1.2 截面形式 8
2.1.3 主梁高度 9
2.1.4 细部尺寸 9
2.2 主梁分段与施工阶段的划分 10
2.2.1 分段原则 10
2.2.2 具体分段 10
2.2.3 主梁施工方法 11
3 荷载内力计算 12
3.1 恒载内力计算 12
3.2 活载内力计算 14
3.2.1 横向分布系数的考虑 14
3.2.2 活载因子的计算 14
3.2.3 计算结果 15
4 预应力钢束的估算与布置 20
4.1 受力钢筋估算 20
4.1.1 计算原理 20
4.1.2 预应力钢束的估算 20
4.2 预应力钢束的布置 22
5 预应力损失及有效应力的计算 23
5.1 预应力损失的计算 23
5.1.1 摩阻损失 23
5.1.2 锚具变形损失 24
5.1.3 混凝土的弹性压缩 24
5.1.4 钢束松弛损失 24
5.1.5 收缩徐变损失 24
5.2 有效预应力的计算 25
6 次内力的计算 27
6.1 徐变次内力计算 27
6.2 预加力引起的次内力 28
6.3 温度次内力的计算 30
7 内力验算 33
7.1 正截面抗弯承载能力验算 34
7.2 持久状况正常使用极限状态应力验算 36
7.3 持久状况下预应力构件标准值效应组合应力验算 39
7.4 预应力钢筋中的拉应力验算 41
7.5 承载能力极限状态基本组合正截面强度验算 42
7.6 挠度计算与验算预拱度的设计 54
7.6.1 挠度计算 54
8 下部结构计算 56
8.1 桥墩的设计 56
8.1.1 竖直荷载计算 56
8.1.2 桥墩配筋计算 56
8.2基础计算 57
8.2.1 荷载计算 57
8.2.2 单桩承载力验算 59
8.2.3 桩基配筋计算 60
8.3 墩底纵向水平位移验算 61
8.3.1 桩在地面处的水平位移和转角 61
8.3.2 墩底纵向水平位移计算 62
9 主要工程数量计算 63
9.1 混凝土总用量计算 63
9.1.1 梁体混凝土(C50)用量计算 63
9.1.2 桥面铺装、桩基混凝土(C25)用量计算 63
9.1.3 桥墩、承台混凝土(C30)用量 63
9.2 钢绞线及锚具总用量计算 64
结束语 65
参考文献 66
致 谢 67
附 录 68