柴油机齿轮室盖钻镗专机总体及主轴箱设计,目录1 组合机床的总体设计 11.1组合机床工艺方案的制定 11.2组合机床配置形式以及结构方案的设定 11.3各个具体零部件的设计、计算及选择 21.3.1刀具的选择 21.3.2 右侧面钻9-Φ9 21.3.3 左侧面钻6-Φ5 41.3.4 后侧镗Φ45h8孔至Φ43.5,倒...
原文档由会员 葛凯 发布柴油机齿轮室盖钻镗专机总体及主轴箱设计
1 组合机床的总体设计 1
1.1组合机床工艺方案的制定 1
1.2组合机床配置形式以及结构方案的设定 1
1.3各个具体零部件的设计、计算及选择 2
1.3.1刀具的选择 2
1.3.2 右侧面钻9-Φ9 2
1.3.3 左侧面钻6-Φ5 4
1.3.4 后侧镗Φ45H8孔至Φ43.5,倒孔角Φ46.6 6
1.4 机床生产率计算卡 8
2 组合机床多轴箱设计(右主轴箱) 10
2.1绘制右主轴箱设计原始依据图 10
2.2 主轴、齿轮的确定及动力计算 11
2.2.1 主轴型式和直径、齿轮模数的确定 11
2.2.2 主轴箱的动力计算 11
2.3主轴箱传动系统的设计与计算 11
2.3.1 驱动轴、主轴的坐标计算 11
2.3.2 拟订主轴箱传动路线 12
2.3.3 确定传动轴位置和齿轮齿数 13
2.4 多轴箱坐标计算、绘制坐标检查图 16
2.4.1 选择加工基准坐标系XOY,计算主轴、驱动轴坐标 16
2.4.2 计算传动轴的坐标 16
2.4.3 验算中心距误差 19
2.4.4 绘制坐标检查图 20
2.5 主轴箱中变位齿轮的计算 20
2.6 变位齿轮的设计 20
2.6.1 轴13与轴7、8、9上的变位齿轮的设计: 21
2.6.2 轴16与轴15上的变位齿轮设计: 21
2.6.3 变位齿轮重合度的校核 22
2.7 齿轮强度校核 22
2.7.1 校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 22
2.7.2 校核接触疲劳强度 23
2.8 传动轴直径的确定和轴的强度校核 24
2.8.1 轴的直径的确定 24
2.8.2 轴的强度校核 25
2.9 主轴箱体及其附件的选择设计 28
2.9.1 主轴箱的选择设计 28
2.9.2 主轴箱上的附件材料的设计 28
3 结论 28
致 谢 29
参 考 文 献 30
附 录 31
摘 要
根据柴油机齿轮室盖的结构特点、加工部位、尺寸精度、表面粗糙度及生产率等要求,确定该机床为单工位卧式组合机床;为确保加工精度,采用“一面两销”的定位方案;为实现无级调速,安全可靠,选择液压滑台;根据零件的大小及被加工孔的位置确定主轴箱的轮廓尺寸;由加工工艺选择滚珠轴承主轴,通过计算扭矩确定主轴和传动轴的直径;齿轮的模数是通过类比法确定; 齿轮齿数和中间传动轴的位置是由“计算、作图和多次试凑”相结合的办法确定;计算主轴、传动轴的坐标并进行中心距验算,确定部分轴上需采用变位齿轮;轴上的齿轮套、键等零件按轴号选取相应的标准件。
关键词:组合机床 主轴箱 主轴 传动轴 齿轮室盖
This project is to design a modular machine tool for manufacturing the gear chamber cap of diesel engine. Mainly work is the design of overall and the right headstock.
According to the request of construction features, processing spot, size precision, surface roughness and productivity that diesel engine gear chamber cap, sets the machine tool for single location horizontal type modular machine tool. In order to guarantee the processing precision, the localization plan use "two sells and a surface". In order to implement the stepless speed regulation, safe is reliable, therefore choice hydraulic pressure sliding table. According the size of components and the position of the hole that is processed to set the overall size of the headstock. Choicing ball bearing spindle by processing craft. The spindle and drive shaft diameter is decided through computation torque. The gear modulus is decided through the correlation method. The gear mentions and the position of intermediate propeller shaft is decided by the means " computation, mapping and tries to collect many times". Calculates the coordinates of the spindle and drive shaft and checking the center distance, determined department spindle must use dislodges the gear. The components of tooth wheel cover, key and so on that in axis select standard letter by the corresponding number.
The modular machine tool of this project design use “two sells and one surface” to locate , hydraulic press and clamps. In the situation of one clamp, the holes three surface of the diesel engine gear chamber cap, are guaranteed the processing precision, is enhanced the production efficiency, is increased worker's labor intensity. Moreover during the design, the standard parts are selected as far as possible, reduced the production cost and increased the economic efficiency.
Key words: modular machine tool headstock spindle drive shaft gear chamber cap