毕业设计-基于asp的网上书城系统,毕业设计-基于asp的网上书城系统目 录关键问题21 相关技术介绍和环境的配置31.1 asp技术综述31.1.1 asp的发展:31.1.2 asp的特点:31.2 asp与iis41.2.1 iis简介41.2.2 iis与asp的结合41.2.3 asp的开发工具41.3 asp的运行环境5此应用程序可广泛运行于...

此文档由会员 cmt666888 发布毕业设计-基于ASP的网上书城系统
目 录
关键问题 2
1 相关技术介绍和环境的配置 3
1.1 ASP技术综述 3
1.1.1 ASP的发展: 3
1.1.2 ASP的特点: 3
1.2 ASP与IIS 4
1.2.1 IIS简介 4
1.2.2 IIS与ASP的结合 4
1.2.3 ASP的开发工具 4
1.3 ASP的运行环境 5
此应用程序可广泛运行于国际互联网即Internet,也可适用于内部的局域网。其运行要求和逻辑结构分别如下: 5
2 需求分析 5
2.1 系统分析 5
2.2 设计目标 5
2.3 可行性分析 5
2.4 设计的总体规则 6
2.5 功能设计 6
2.5.1 管理员对功能的需求: 6 图书管理 6
2.5.2 客户对功能的需求 6
2.6 性能需求 6
2.7 E-R 图 7
3 总体设计 10
3.1 网站功能概述 10
3.2 系统功能模块划分 10
3.2.1 前台用户管理模块 11
3.2.2 后台管理模块 12
3.3 系统功能流程图 12
3.3.1 用户流程图 12
3.3.2 管理员流程图 13
4 数据库设计 15
4.1 数据库需求分析 15
4.2 数据库逻辑结构设计 15
4.3 数据库的生成与配置 17
5 详细设计 18
5.1 用户端界面设计 18
5.1.1 系统首页设计 18
5.1.2 系统主页面设计 19
总 结 23
致 谢 23
参考文献 24
摘要: 随着网络信息的发展,网络在人们生活中的应用越来越广泛。人们越来越想在最短的时间内购买到自己所需的图书。但书目的繁多,给人们在繁忙的工作生活中购书带来了很大的麻烦,于是网上购书便成了人们向往的事情,此系统的开发为人们带来了很大的方便,使他们足不出户就可以轻轻松松地买到自己想要的书,既省时又省力。
关 键 词 : 网上书店、电子商务、购物车、ASP
The design and implementation of online bookstore
Abstract: With the development of information networks, network in people's lives of more and more extensive. People increasingly want to within the shortest time necessary to buy their own books. However, many of the programs, to the people in a busy working life in the acquisition brought a lot of trouble, then purchase books online has become the people's longing for things, the development of this system to bring a lot of convenience, so that they foot Households can not easily you want to buy the book, when the effort of both.
In e-commerce sites, online bookstore is the most widely applied, one of the most successful example. The rise of online bookstore of the traditional book circulation system have a strong impact, publishers, distributors closer together, thereby greatly increasing the circulation rate. It has a low operating costs, inventory is virtual, the user retrieva l convenient, less geographical restrictions and so on.
This system to ASP as the main tool to achieve a user registration, landing, verify identity and user data collection, books for a preview of the books purchased by Cart achieve, to be able to enter the post messages to achieve the site and The exchange between the customer and communication.
Key words :online bookstores, e-commerce, shopping cart, ASP