边坡的加固理论及稳定性研究 论文.doc
边坡的加固理论及稳定性研究 论文,摘要随着我国公路建设的飞速发展,边坡问题日益突出,但由于缺乏对边坡治理技术的系统研究,从而为工程埋下隐患,边坡失稳将造成交通中断,甚至造成巨大的经济损失和不良的社会影响,同时大大增加了后期维护处治费用。目前公路边坡的加固技术主要有挡土墙、抗滑桩、土钉支护、岩土锚固等,土钉支护是近三十年发...
此文档由会员 bshhty 发布边坡的加固理论及稳定性研究 论文
With the rapid development of highway construction, slope stability problem stands out increasingly. But being short of slope retaining research by the numbers, there are a lot of hidden dangers in highway construction. Once slopes lose their stability, the landslide will interrupt the traffic and even result in huge economic loss and bring on bad social influences. At the same time, it will greatly increase the evening slope retaining expense.
In now, the reinforcement theories of highway slope have retaining wall, anti-sliding pile, soil nailing, geotechnical anchorage, and so on. Soil nailing is the development of new technologies in the past 30 years. The slope stability is affected by inherent factors and external factors. The inherent factors include the geological conditions, geographical environment and the natural environment. The external factors include the climatic conditions the human activities and the earthquakes.
The dissertation summaries the stability analysis of slope used commonly to methods and characteristics. It is the principle, the characteristics and the scope of application, which are the methods commonly to use in slope reinforcement. It is the summaries of internal factors and external factors, which have impacted to the slope stability. It is introduce to the principles that are use when analysis to the slope stability, and analysis to a project on the slope stability, through Sweden and France
Key words: soil slope, reinforcement theory, factors affecting, stability analysis
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 边坡加固及稳定分析的目的和意义 1
一、边坡加固及稳定分析的目的 1
二、边坡加固的意义 1
第二节 边坡加固理论及稳定性分析的现状 2
一、边坡加固理论的现状 2
二、边坡稳定性分析所经过的阶段 3
三、边坡稳定性分析常用的几种方法 4
第三节 本课题的有关内容 7
第二章 土质边坡的加固理论 8
第一节 边坡加固所遵循的原则 8
第二节 挡土墙加固 8
一、挡土墙的布置 8
二、挡土墙的类型及适用范围 9
第三节 抗滑桩加固 11
一、抗滑桩的概况 11
二、抗滑桩的类型 12
三、抗滑桩的布置 13
四、抗滑桩的优缺点及适用范围 14
第四节 土钉支护 14
一、土钉的概述 14
二、土钉支护的优缺点及适用范围 15
第五节 岩土锚固 17
一、岩土锚固的基本原理 17
二、锚固技术的优缺点及适用范围 17
第三章 土质边坡稳定的影响因素 19
第一节 概述 19
第二节 影响土质边坡稳定的内部因素 19
一、地质条件 19
二、地理背景和自然环境 21
第三节 影响土质边坡稳定的外部因素 22
一、气候、径流条件 22
二、人类活动 22
三、地震 23
第四章 土质边坡的稳定性分析 25
第一节 直线滑面上土坡稳定性分析 25
第二节 圆弧滑面的条分法分析 26
第三节 关于膨胀土边坡稳定性的探讨 28
一、膨胀土物理化学特性 28
二、对边坡的危害 28
三、膨胀土边坡的稳定分析 28
四、结论与建议 30
结 论 32
致 谢 33
参 考 文 献 34