

自动寻迹跟踪智能小车系统设计,摘 要自动寻迹是基于自动导引小车(agv—auto-guided vehicle)机器人系统。用以实现小车自动识别路线,以及选择正确的路线。实验中采用与地面颜色有较大差别的线条作引导,使用反射式红外传感器感知导引线和判断障碍物。系统控制核心采用p89c51ra单片机,系统驱动采用控制方式为单...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 bshhty 发布


摘 要

自动寻迹是基于自动导引小车(AGV—auto-guided vehicle)机器人系统。用以实现小车自动识别路线,以及选择正确的路线。实验中采用与地面颜色有较大差别的线条作引导,使用反射式红外传感器感知导引线和判断障碍物。系统控制核心采用P89C51RA单片机,系统驱动采用控制方式为单向PWM的直流电机。该技术可以应用于无人驾驶机动车,无人工厂、仓库、服务机器人等领域。 
关键词  P89C51RA;红外传感器;霍尔传感器










The auto-searching for track is on the base of the AGV-auto-guided vehicle system. It makes the car discern the routs, So the car can choose the right routes. In the experiment we take use of the guiding wire whose color distinguishes from the background to guide the car and the inflected infrared sensor to discern the guiding wire and obstacles. The P89C51RA Single Chip Microcomputer is used for the control core in this system, and the one-way PWM direct current electromotor for the motive force or power system. This technology could serve to driverless mobile, robot factory, warehouse, service robot and etc.
In this sysem, the car make examine the color with the sensors,they will send the  signals to the I/O port 2 of the MicroController Unit,and the signals will be analyzed by the software,which generate the corresponding driving signals controlling the car,avoiding the roadblocks.The another two sensoes are used to find the orbit that we set,they will send the signals to the I/O port 3 of the chip,and the signals will be analyzed by the software,which create the corresponding signals controlling the car, along the rebit.The last sensor is Hall Sensor,it gives pulses to the counter of the single chip,in the last,by the program,the distance will be calculated and displayed by the LED.
Keywords:  P89C51RA;Infrared Sensor;Hall Sensor




目   录

摘    要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第 1 章 绪论  1
1.1 单片机的简介和发展 1
1.2 轨迹跟踪系统研究意义 2
1.3 设计任务及要求 2
第2章  方案的分析与论证 3
2.1 主控系统分析与论证 3
2.2 机械系统分析与论证 5
2.3 电机驱动模块分析与论证 5
2.4 传感器系统分析与论证 6
2.4.1 反射式红外传感器 6
2.4.2 超声探测器的选型与工作方式 7
2.4.3  金属探测器的选型 9
2.4.4 光电探测器的选型 9
2.5 电源电路的选型分析与论证 9
2.6 里程检测模块分析与论证 10
2.7显示模块分析与论证 11
第3章 硬件介绍与电路设计 13
3.1 P89C51简要说明..... ........................................13
   3.1.1 管脚功能..............................................14
3.2 循迹电路设计..................... ... ......................17
3.2.1 循迹原理 20
3.2.2 弯道情况及解决办法 21
3.2.3 路径识别单元 21
       3.2.4 调速控制 22
       3.2.5 具体连接和控制 23
3.3 显示模块的设计 23
3.3.1 LED的特性 23
3.3.2 LED显示器结构 23
3.3.3 LED显示器分类 24
3.3.4 LED的应用 25
3.3.5 具体显示模块 26
3.4小车驱动设计 28
3.5 ISP 设计 29
3.6 车轮转数及里程检测模块的设计与参数计算 32
第4章 系统软件设计 33
4.1 软件设计主流程图 33
4.2 两侧检测黑线程序框图 34
结    论 35
致    谢 36
参考文献 37
附    录 38