

人力资源管理专业毕业论文(外文翻译),约四千多字 附英文原文目录译文一 企业招聘新招 11全球企业招聘新模式---模拟商业竞赛 12法国巴黎银行模拟商业竞赛介绍 23模拟商业竞赛目标多样化 3原文一 recruits fired up by virtual rivalry 41 the new recruitment m...
分类: 论文>外文翻译


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约四千多字 附英文原文


译文一 企业招聘新招 1

1全球企业招聘新模式---模拟商业竞赛 1

2法国巴黎银行模拟商业竞赛介绍 2

3模拟商业竞赛目标多样化 3

原文一 Recruits fired up by virtual rivalry 4

1 The New Recruitment Model of The Global Campanies-- Corporate Games 4

2 Bank BNP Paribas’s Corporate Games 5

3 the objectives of Corporate Games are becoming more diverse 6

译文二 投行招聘瞄准顶尖高校 8

1投资银行将招聘范围缩小 8

2金融危机令投资银行减少招聘数额 8

原文二 City narrows graduate hunt to top tier only core group 10

1 Investment Bank Will Reduce The Scope of Recruitment 10

2 Financial Crisis MadeInvestment Bank Reduce The Scope of Recruitment 11

译文三 大学毕业生自办招聘会 13

1大学生主动出击吸引企业 13

2几个自办招聘会的例子 13

2.1加州大学生物工程专业大三学生凯瑟琳•李 13

2.2 伦敦政治经济学院的学生 13

2.3 华盛顿大学和奥林商学院学生 14

3自办招聘会让学生价值提升 15

原文三 Students put more work into getting a job 15

1 Students Take the Initiative to Attract Business 15

2 Several Examples of Recruitment Hold by Students Themselves 16

2.1 Katherine Lee, undergraduate at the University of California 16

2.2 students at the London School of Economics 16

2.3Washington University AND Olin Business Schools’ Students 17

3 Hold Recruitment by Themselves Will Enhance The Value of Students 17