三维虚拟交互式校园现实平台的设计与实现,约两万多字 摘 要虚拟现实,或虚拟实境(virtual reality),简称vr技术,也称灵境技术或人工环境,是利用电脑模拟产生一个三度空间的虚拟世界,提供使用者关于视觉、听觉、触觉等感官的模拟,让使用者如同身历其境一般,可以及时、没有限制地观察三度空间内的事物。使用者进行位置移...

此文档由会员 emplate 发布
摘 要
虚拟现实,或虚拟实境(Virtual Reality),简称VR技术,也称灵境技术或人工环境,是利用电脑模拟产生一个三度空间的虚拟世界,提供使用者关于视觉、听觉、触觉等感官的模拟,让使用者如同身历其境一般,可以及时、没有限制地观察三度空间内的事物。使用者进行位置移动时,电脑可以立即进行复杂的运算,将精确的3D世界影像传回产生临场感。该技术集成了计算机图形(CG)技术、计算机仿真技术、人工智能、传感技术、显示技术、网络并行处理等技术的最新发展成果,是一种由计算机技术辅助生成的高技术模拟系统。随着现代科技与信息的发展,这项技术逐渐成为人们关注的热点之一。
本文基于南京邮电大学的仙林校区教学区及其主要生活区域,利用CAD、3Ds Max以及VRP软件,建立了其校园虚拟现实平台,完成了校园的可视、漫游等功能的实现。
关键词:虚拟现实,3Ds Max,VRP,建模,渲染,烘焙
Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate places in the real world as well as in imaginary worlds. Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or through special stereoscopic displays, but some simulations include additional sensory information, such as sound through speakers or headphones. Some advanced systems now include tactile information, generally known as force feedback, in medical and gaming applications. With the development of knowledge economy, information technology and modernization of national defense, virtual reality technique has become one of the hot issues currently.
Based on the Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Xianlin campus teaching areas and the main living area, this paper takes use of the software such as CAD, 3Ds Max, VRP to build the campus virtual reality platforms, realize visual campus, roaming and other functions.
First of all, the concept of virtual reality technology is introduced firstly. Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications is taken as the test virtual space, the 3D modeling technology, rendering, bake and virtual wandering skills have been discussed respectively. Then the paper introduces which involves software, and in which the technology involved. It completes the process for the subject made a more detailed description, including the attention to details the difficulties encountered and the solutions.
Furthermore, with the adoption of kinds of technology such as modeling, rending, baking, a vivid 3D campus of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications has been set up. People can ramble in the virtual campus atmosphere with the help of the control keyboard or the mouse, and the mien of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications is revealed. This successful case can be looked as a typical application system of virtual reality technology.
Finally, the subjects were reviewed and discussed the development of related follow-up, such as network platform release, the relevant technology, practical applications, combined with the professional knowledge on this technology in various fields.
Key words: Virtual Reality; 3Ds Max; VRP; modeling; rendering; bake.
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.1.1虚拟现实概述 1
1.1.2虚拟现实的应用 1
1.2虚拟校园概况 2
1.2.1虚拟现实校园的发展 2
1.2.2虚拟现实校园平台技术 2
1.3论文框架 4
第二章 校园建模技术的分析与对比 5
2.1常见建模技术 5
2.1.1 MultiGen Creator建模 5
2.1.2 Maya建模 6
2.1.3 3Ds Max建模 6
2.2校园建模相关技术 7
2.2.1模型和材质的建立与编辑 7
2.2.2渲染技术 8
2.2.3烘焙技术 11
2.2.4漫游技术 11
第三章 校园模型的建立 13
3.1前期处理 13
3.1.1 前期处理的原因 13
3.1.2 CAD图样编辑 13
3.2将CAD导入3Ds Max 15
3.3 3Ds Max建模 16
3.3.1 多边形细致建模 16
3.3.2 纹理贴图建模 20
3.3.3地面的建造 22
3.3.4校园环境 23
第四章 校园场景的渲染烘焙 24
4.1灯光处理 24
4.1.1定向投射类灯光 24
4.1.2日光投射 25
4.1.3环境效果 26
4.2渲染处理 27
4.3烘焙处理 28
第五章 校园场景虚拟漫游的实现 29
摘 要
虚拟现实,或虚拟实境(Virtual Reality),简称VR技术,也称灵境技术或人工环境,是利用电脑模拟产生一个三度空间的虚拟世界,提供使用者关于视觉、听觉、触觉等感官的模拟,让使用者如同身历其境一般,可以及时、没有限制地观察三度空间内的事物。使用者进行位置移动时,电脑可以立即进行复杂的运算,将精确的3D世界影像传回产生临场感。该技术集成了计算机图形(CG)技术、计算机仿真技术、人工智能、传感技术、显示技术、网络并行处理等技术的最新发展成果,是一种由计算机技术辅助生成的高技术模拟系统。随着现代科技与信息的发展,这项技术逐渐成为人们关注的热点之一。
本文基于南京邮电大学的仙林校区教学区及其主要生活区域,利用CAD、3Ds Max以及VRP软件,建立了其校园虚拟现实平台,完成了校园的可视、漫游等功能的实现。
关键词:虚拟现实,3Ds Max,VRP,建模,渲染,烘焙
Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate places in the real world as well as in imaginary worlds. Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or through special stereoscopic displays, but some simulations include additional sensory information, such as sound through speakers or headphones. Some advanced systems now include tactile information, generally known as force feedback, in medical and gaming applications. With the development of knowledge economy, information technology and modernization of national defense, virtual reality technique has become one of the hot issues currently.
Based on the Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Xianlin campus teaching areas and the main living area, this paper takes use of the software such as CAD, 3Ds Max, VRP to build the campus virtual reality platforms, realize visual campus, roaming and other functions.
First of all, the concept of virtual reality technology is introduced firstly. Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications is taken as the test virtual space, the 3D modeling technology, rendering, bake and virtual wandering skills have been discussed respectively. Then the paper introduces which involves software, and in which the technology involved. It completes the process for the subject made a more detailed description, including the attention to details the difficulties encountered and the solutions.
Furthermore, with the adoption of kinds of technology such as modeling, rending, baking, a vivid 3D campus of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications has been set up. People can ramble in the virtual campus atmosphere with the help of the control keyboard or the mouse, and the mien of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications is revealed. This successful case can be looked as a typical application system of virtual reality technology.
Finally, the subjects were reviewed and discussed the development of related follow-up, such as network platform release, the relevant technology, practical applications, combined with the professional knowledge on this technology in various fields.
Key words: Virtual Reality; 3Ds Max; VRP; modeling; rendering; bake.
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.1.1虚拟现实概述 1
1.1.2虚拟现实的应用 1
1.2虚拟校园概况 2
1.2.1虚拟现实校园的发展 2
1.2.2虚拟现实校园平台技术 2
1.3论文框架 4
第二章 校园建模技术的分析与对比 5
2.1常见建模技术 5
2.1.1 MultiGen Creator建模 5
2.1.2 Maya建模 6
2.1.3 3Ds Max建模 6
2.2校园建模相关技术 7
2.2.1模型和材质的建立与编辑 7
2.2.2渲染技术 8
2.2.3烘焙技术 11
2.2.4漫游技术 11
第三章 校园模型的建立 13
3.1前期处理 13
3.1.1 前期处理的原因 13
3.1.2 CAD图样编辑 13
3.2将CAD导入3Ds Max 15
3.3 3Ds Max建模 16
3.3.1 多边形细致建模 16
3.3.2 纹理贴图建模 20
3.3.3地面的建造 22
3.3.4校园环境 23
第四章 校园场景的渲染烘焙 24
4.1灯光处理 24
4.1.1定向投射类灯光 24
4.1.2日光投射 25
4.1.3环境效果 26
4.2渲染处理 27
4.3烘焙处理 28
第五章 校园场景虚拟漫游的实现 29