

现金流量的公司价值分析[外文翻译],包括英文原文和中文翻译free cash flow, enterprise value, and investor cautionharlan plattcollege of business administrationnortheastern universitysebahatti...
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Free Cash Flow, Enterprise Value, and Investor Caution
Harlan Platt
College of Business Administration
Northeastern University
Sebahattin Demirkan
School of Management
SUNY Binghamton University
Marjorie Platt
College of Business Administration
Northeastern University
Abstract:By analyzing actual cash flows in comparison with enterprise values (market capitalization plus debt minus cash) we document that the market dramaticall undervalues firms. The findings suggest that the equity market appears to have an extraordinarily high discount rate which negates future earnings in the calculus of firm value. That is, the discount rate is so high that the vast majority of future cash flows are virtually ignored.
Our research finds that stock prices do not reflect future corporate earnings. This finding contrasts with the well known statement in finance textbooks that “the value of a firm equals the present discounted value of future cash flows.” In fact, we find that enterprise values are substantially less than the present discounted value of future cash flows. A one-dollar increase in future cash flows produces only a 75 cent increase in a firm’s enterprise value.
The implication of our work is clear: companies are worth far more than the market believes. This provides strong support to the idea behind the private equity industry. We realize that of late private equity firms have overpaid for acquisitions and may lose their entire investment during the current phase of deleveraging. Yet, if private equity firms acquire companies at reasonable prices using less debt, they are likely to create substantial value as a consequence of the fact that companies are so undervalued by the market relative to their cash flows.
There are no previous research efforts following our methodological design based on actual cash flows. Rather, .prior research studies have focused on the relationship between forecasted cash flows (by market analysts) and enterprise value. Our approach focuses on a different question – the relationship between discounted future cash flows and the current market value as posited by financial theory.


Harlan Platt
东北大学, 工商管理学院
Sebahattin Demirkan
纽约州立宾厄姆顿大学, 管理学院
Marjorie Platt
东北大学, 工商管理学院
以前没有按照我们以实际现金流量为基础的方法设计的研究成果。相反,以前的研究都集中在预测的现金流量(按市场分析师的结果)和企业价值之间的关系。我们研究方法的重点是不同的问题 —— 贴现的未来现金流量和以金融理论所假定的当前的市场价值关系。