我国金融机构风险管理问题研究,字数:30000,32页。 目录摘要iabstractii引言iii第1章金融机构风险的主要类型和概念11.1金融市场风险11.2信用风险21.3流动性风险21.4操作风险21.5政策风险与法律风险3第2章我国金融机构风险管理的现状及存在的主要问题42.1银行资产质量不高不良贷款比重较高42.2风险管理人才严重匮乏素质...

原文档由会员 tian153 发布
目 录
摘 要 …………… I
Abstract …………… II
引 言 …………… III
第1章 金融机构风险的主要类型和概念 …………… 1
1.1 金融市场风险 …………… 1
1.2 信用风险 …………… 2
1.3 流动性风险 …………… 2
1.4 操作风险 …………… 2
1.5 政策风险与法律风险 …………… 3
第2章 我国金融机构风险管理的现状及存在的主要问题 …………… 4
2.1 银行资产质量不高 不良贷款比重较高 …………… 4
2.2 风险管理人才严重匮乏素质偏低 …………… 4
2.3 风险承担主体不明确 …………… 5
2.4 管理工具缺乏 …………… 5
2.5 内控体制不健全 …………… 6
2.6 金融市场的中介服务机构不健全 …………… 7
2.7 风险量化管理落后 …………… 7
第3章 完善我国金融机构风险管理的对策与途径 …………… 8
3.1 加强信贷资产风险管理 活化银行资产 …………… 8
3.2 加强对风险管理专业人才的培养和监管 …………… 10
3.3 创新管理手段 明确风险承担主体 …………… 12
3.4 发展衍生金融工具 培育金融衍生市场 …………… 14
3.5 建立金融机构内部控制和行业自律机制 …………… 15
3.6 借助社会中介力量 加大现场检查力度 …………… 17
3.7 加强风险量化管理 …………… 17
第4章 我国金融机构风险管理的目标和发展方向 …………… 19
4.1 强化风险管理制度 提高风险计量水平 …………… 19
4.2 强化金融监管 …………… 19
4.3 要强化规范信息披露 …………… 20
结 束 语 …………… 21
致 谢 …………… 22
参考文献 …………… 23
摘 要
风险管理是现代金融机构的核心。近些年来,在市场经济发达的西方国家,金融机构风险管理的理念、制度和技术方法获得了前所未有的高度重视和迅速发展,从而大大增强了这些金融机构在风险日益加大的市场中的竞争力。我国国有金融机构股份制改制将风险管理的重要性提高到空前的高度,风险管理问题的研究成为现代金融机构的急需。加强我国金融机构风险管理研究, 依法加强对金融机构和金融市场的监管,规范和维护金融秩序,有效防范和化解金融风险,这是个长期的任务。了解现阶段危害我国金融经济健康发展的主要风险,对于增强防范和抗御金融风险能力,有效预防金融风险的发生极为重要。防范和化解金融风险,是保证金融安全、高效、稳健运行,促进经济社会可持续发展的客观需要。
关键词 金融机构 风险管理 宏观 意识
The so-called financial risks, mean that causes lost uncertainty because of the change or defect in factors such as situation, policy, law, market, making policy, operating, management, generally mean when people buy the financial assets at the price sured with one's own currency, because realistic environments that the financial assets are in are full of parameters, the nticipated income that this kind of financial assets can bring suffers lost possibility. The risk that the modern financial institution faces is mainly as follows, market risk, credit risks, mobile risking, operating the risk, policy and legal risk,etc.. Financial risk management distinguishes, tolerance, analysis according to financial risks, choose and fix the risk management strategy, make and implement a series of policies and measures in view of the above, in order to reduce the behaviors of financial risks and influence. The risk management of financial institution mainly involves the management of market risk, credit risks and other risks, direct against the characteristics of different risks at the same time, confirm different implementing schemes and management strategy.
Risk management is a core of the modern financial institution. In the last few years, in the western countries with developed market economy, the risk management idea, system and technological method of financial institution have got unprecedented great attention and developed rapidly, thus strengthened the competitiveness in the market that the risk strengthen day by day of these financial institutions greatly. The state-run shareholding system of financial institution of our country reforms system and brings the importance of risk management up to the unprecedented height, the research of the problem of management of the risk becomes the needing badly of modern financial institution. Strengthen the risk management of financial institution of our country to study, s..
目 录
摘 要 …………… I
Abstract …………… II
引 言 …………… III
第1章 金融机构风险的主要类型和概念 …………… 1
1.1 金融市场风险 …………… 1
1.2 信用风险 …………… 2
1.3 流动性风险 …………… 2
1.4 操作风险 …………… 2
1.5 政策风险与法律风险 …………… 3
第2章 我国金融机构风险管理的现状及存在的主要问题 …………… 4
2.1 银行资产质量不高 不良贷款比重较高 …………… 4
2.2 风险管理人才严重匮乏素质偏低 …………… 4
2.3 风险承担主体不明确 …………… 5
2.4 管理工具缺乏 …………… 5
2.5 内控体制不健全 …………… 6
2.6 金融市场的中介服务机构不健全 …………… 7
2.7 风险量化管理落后 …………… 7
第3章 完善我国金融机构风险管理的对策与途径 …………… 8
3.1 加强信贷资产风险管理 活化银行资产 …………… 8
3.2 加强对风险管理专业人才的培养和监管 …………… 10
3.3 创新管理手段 明确风险承担主体 …………… 12
3.4 发展衍生金融工具 培育金融衍生市场 …………… 14
3.5 建立金融机构内部控制和行业自律机制 …………… 15
3.6 借助社会中介力量 加大现场检查力度 …………… 17
3.7 加强风险量化管理 …………… 17
第4章 我国金融机构风险管理的目标和发展方向 …………… 19
4.1 强化风险管理制度 提高风险计量水平 …………… 19
4.2 强化金融监管 …………… 19
4.3 要强化规范信息披露 …………… 20
结 束 语 …………… 21
致 谢 …………… 22
参考文献 …………… 23
摘 要
风险管理是现代金融机构的核心。近些年来,在市场经济发达的西方国家,金融机构风险管理的理念、制度和技术方法获得了前所未有的高度重视和迅速发展,从而大大增强了这些金融机构在风险日益加大的市场中的竞争力。我国国有金融机构股份制改制将风险管理的重要性提高到空前的高度,风险管理问题的研究成为现代金融机构的急需。加强我国金融机构风险管理研究, 依法加强对金融机构和金融市场的监管,规范和维护金融秩序,有效防范和化解金融风险,这是个长期的任务。了解现阶段危害我国金融经济健康发展的主要风险,对于增强防范和抗御金融风险能力,有效预防金融风险的发生极为重要。防范和化解金融风险,是保证金融安全、高效、稳健运行,促进经济社会可持续发展的客观需要。
关键词 金融机构 风险管理 宏观 意识
The so-called financial risks, mean that causes lost uncertainty because of the change or defect in factors such as situation, policy, law, market, making policy, operating, management, generally mean when people buy the financial assets at the price sured with one's own currency, because realistic environments that the financial assets are in are full of parameters, the nticipated income that this kind of financial assets can bring suffers lost possibility. The risk that the modern financial institution faces is mainly as follows, market risk, credit risks, mobile risking, operating the risk, policy and legal risk,etc.. Financial risk management distinguishes, tolerance, analysis according to financial risks, choose and fix the risk management strategy, make and implement a series of policies and measures in view of the above, in order to reduce the behaviors of financial risks and influence. The risk management of financial institution mainly involves the management of market risk, credit risks and other risks, direct against the characteristics of different risks at the same time, confirm different implementing schemes and management strategy.
Risk management is a core of the modern financial institution. In the last few years, in the western countries with developed market economy, the risk management idea, system and technological method of financial institution have got unprecedented great attention and developed rapidly, thus strengthened the competitiveness in the market that the risk strengthen day by day of these financial institutions greatly. The state-run shareholding system of financial institution of our country reforms system and brings the importance of risk management up to the unprecedented height, the research of the problem of management of the risk becomes the needing badly of modern financial institution. Strengthen the risk management of financial institution of our country to study, s..