出口信用保险对出口促进的定量分析,约16000字摘 要在国际贸易中,出口国为促进出口一般实施很多贸易措施,比如补贴、退税、提供出口信贷、商品倾销、外汇倾销等。出口信用保险,旨在鼓励发展出口贸易,并保证出口厂商因出口所受到的损失能得到绝大部分赔偿,使本国出口商在世界市场上与他国的出口商处于同等的竞争地位。研究出口信用保险与...
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摘 要
关键词:出口信用保险 贸易 出口额 出口风险 出口促进
In international trade, exporting countries generally implement many trading measures to facilitate export, such as export subsidies, export tax rebates, to provide export credits, commodity dumping, exchange dumping. In order to avoid the importers` implementation of the measures to promote the export tariffs or non-tariff barriers to exporters, the exporter also often set up special economic zones, such as tax, export processing zones, bonded warehouse and free port, etc. And export credit insurance as an export promotion means, is allowed by the WTO`s Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures,SCM Agreement to support export.. Export credit insurance is a kind of non-profit insurance business and indirect control measures and supplement for the market economy, which governments carry out to improve the international competitiveness of domestic products and promote its export trade. Export credit insurance can provide safeguard for the security of payment of exporting goods and banking credit. Depending on the strong supporting of national public finance, it supplies a policy support to enterprises in exporting trades, foreign investments and international engineering activities.
Keywords:International trade Export credit insurance Facilitate export International competitiveness
目 录
引言 1
1.出口信用保险的发展及中国的出口信用保险 2
1.1出口信用保险的发展 2
1.2我国出口信用保险发展情况 3
2出口信用保险对出口促进的表现及理论依据 6
2.1增加进口国对出口商的信任 6
2.2企业融资功能 7
2.3鼓励使用更灵活的结算支付方式以便开拓市场 7
2.4成本降低 7
3 实证分析 8
3.1变量的选择 8
3.2数据处理 8
3.3参数估计 10
3.4得出结论 11
4 参考外国经验发现不足及若干政策建议 12
4.1部分发达国家出口信用保险 12
4.1.1法国 12
4.1.2英国、比利时、瑞士、荷兰 12
4.2我国出口信用保险存在的问题 13
4.2.1管理机制不健全 13
4.2.2风险资本金严重匮乏 13
4.2.3出口信用保险缺乏法律保障 13
4.2.4我国出口企业对出口信用保险认识有待进一步加强 14
4.2.4保费过高 14
4.3 对我国出口信用保险的若干政策建议 14
4. 3.1政府方面 15建立和健全出口信用保险法规 15针对风险资本金缺乏,扩展资金来源 15加大财政扶持出口信用保险业务的力度 15
4.3.2出口信用保险承办机构-中国出口信用保险公司 16中信保可与保理商和银行联手合作创新自身业务及增加自身的业务量 16出口信用保险机构应广泛搜集信息,建立自身的出口信用风险评估体系。 16出口信用保险机构应加大宣传力度。 17
4.3.3出口企业方面 17
谢 辞 18
[1] 张晓峒,Eviews使用指南与案例,第一版,机械工业出版社2007
[2] 张洪涛,郑功成,保险学,第三版,中国人民大学出版社,2008,263
[3] 刘舒年,国际金融,第三版,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005,339
[4] 李虹,涉外保险,第一版,西南财经大学出版社,2003,285
[5] 李殿君,保险业九大课题,中国金融出版社,2004,46
[6] 薛荣久,国际贸易,第五版,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2008,197
[7] 中国保险年鉴编委会,2009中国保险年鉴,第一版,中国保险年鉴编辑部,2009,194
[8] 中华人民共和国统计局,2009中国统计年鉴,第一版,中国统计出版社,2009,17-1
[9] 王智洁,出口信用保险承保比例与出口贸易、产品质量关系的模型分析,2005
[10] 侯伟鹏,出口信用保险对我国出口贸易影响的实证分析,2006
[11] 贾晶,对我国出口信用保险的经济学分析,2008
[12] 卢艳秋,朱秀梅,借鉴国际经验发展我国出口信用保险的对策研究,2003
摘 要
关键词:出口信用保险 贸易 出口额 出口风险 出口促进
In international trade, exporting countries generally implement many trading measures to facilitate export, such as export subsidies, export tax rebates, to provide export credits, commodity dumping, exchange dumping. In order to avoid the importers` implementation of the measures to promote the export tariffs or non-tariff barriers to exporters, the exporter also often set up special economic zones, such as tax, export processing zones, bonded warehouse and free port, etc. And export credit insurance as an export promotion means, is allowed by the WTO`s Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures,SCM Agreement to support export.. Export credit insurance is a kind of non-profit insurance business and indirect control measures and supplement for the market economy, which governments carry out to improve the international competitiveness of domestic products and promote its export trade. Export credit insurance can provide safeguard for the security of payment of exporting goods and banking credit. Depending on the strong supporting of national public finance, it supplies a policy support to enterprises in exporting trades, foreign investments and international engineering activities.
Keywords:International trade Export credit insurance Facilitate export International competitiveness
目 录
引言 1
1.出口信用保险的发展及中国的出口信用保险 2
1.1出口信用保险的发展 2
1.2我国出口信用保险发展情况 3
2出口信用保险对出口促进的表现及理论依据 6
2.1增加进口国对出口商的信任 6
2.2企业融资功能 7
2.3鼓励使用更灵活的结算支付方式以便开拓市场 7
2.4成本降低 7
3 实证分析 8
3.1变量的选择 8
3.2数据处理 8
3.3参数估计 10
3.4得出结论 11
4 参考外国经验发现不足及若干政策建议 12
4.1部分发达国家出口信用保险 12
4.1.1法国 12
4.1.2英国、比利时、瑞士、荷兰 12
4.2我国出口信用保险存在的问题 13
4.2.1管理机制不健全 13
4.2.2风险资本金严重匮乏 13
4.2.3出口信用保险缺乏法律保障 13
4.2.4我国出口企业对出口信用保险认识有待进一步加强 14
4.2.4保费过高 14
4.3 对我国出口信用保险的若干政策建议 14
4. 3.1政府方面 15建立和健全出口信用保险法规 15针对风险资本金缺乏,扩展资金来源 15加大财政扶持出口信用保险业务的力度 15
4.3.2出口信用保险承办机构-中国出口信用保险公司 16中信保可与保理商和银行联手合作创新自身业务及增加自身的业务量 16出口信用保险机构应广泛搜集信息,建立自身的出口信用风险评估体系。 16出口信用保险机构应加大宣传力度。 17
4.3.3出口企业方面 17
谢 辞 18
[1] 张晓峒,Eviews使用指南与案例,第一版,机械工业出版社2007
[2] 张洪涛,郑功成,保险学,第三版,中国人民大学出版社,2008,263
[3] 刘舒年,国际金融,第三版,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005,339
[4] 李虹,涉外保险,第一版,西南财经大学出版社,2003,285
[5] 李殿君,保险业九大课题,中国金融出版社,2004,46
[6] 薛荣久,国际贸易,第五版,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2008,197
[7] 中国保险年鉴编委会,2009中国保险年鉴,第一版,中国保险年鉴编辑部,2009,194
[8] 中华人民共和国统计局,2009中国统计年鉴,第一版,中国统计出版社,2009,17-1
[9] 王智洁,出口信用保险承保比例与出口贸易、产品质量关系的模型分析,2005
[10] 侯伟鹏,出口信用保险对我国出口贸易影响的实证分析,2006
[11] 贾晶,对我国出口信用保险的经济学分析,2008
[12] 卢艳秋,朱秀梅,借鉴国际经验发展我国出口信用保险的对策研究,2003