

[优秀毕业论文]小波去噪算法研究,目 录摘 要1abstract1第1章 绪论21.1 课题背景和意义21.2 课题发展现状31.3 小波变换在信号去噪中的应用3第2章 小波理论42.1 小波变换及离散小波变换42.1.2 离散小波变换42.2 多分辨率分析52.2.1 多分辨率分析52.2.2 小波函数与小波空间52....
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 xiaoheixia 发布


目  录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
第1章    绪论 2
1.1  课题背景和意义 2
1.2  课题发展现状 3
1.3  小波变换在信号去噪中的应用 3
第2章    小波理论 4
2.1  小波变换及离散小波变换 4
2.1.2  离散小波变换 4
2.2    多分辨率分析 5
2.2.1  多分辨率分析 5
2.2.2  小波函数与小波空间 5
2.2.3  正交小波函数与多分辨率分析 6
2.2.4  二尺度方程 7
2.3  Mallat快速算法 8
第3章    基于小波变换的去噪方法研究 10
3.1  信号和噪声的小波特性 10
3.1.1  含噪信号的数学模型 10
3.1.2  信号和噪声在小波变换下的特征 10
3.2  信号去噪处理方法 11
3.2.1  小波分解 11
3.2.2  估计小波系数 11
3.2.3  阈值的选择 12
3.2.4   的选取 14
3.2.5  小波重构 14
3.3  改进方案 14
第4章    仿真结果及分析 15
4.1  波形仿真 15
结论 20
参考文献 21

摘 要
关键词 小波变换,信号去噪,阈值


The tradition denoising method can gain the whole frequency,but it is difficult to gain the localization frequency of signal. so Wavelet denoising method is presented.the denoising method based on wavelet analysis can be content with kinds of denoising request,and has phoenixity strongpoint.
In this paper,the basic conception of wavelet transform and the basic elements and method of denoise is introuduced. Wavelet transform has good localization in both frequency and time domains .its time window is small at lower frcqucncy,and its time window is big at higher frequency. Because of the good localization,wavelet is suitbal for time-frequency analysis.Wavelet analysis has played a particularly important role in denoising.Here, particular expound the soft-thresholding and hard-thresholding denosing method,as well as their shortage.To make up the shortage,a method betwen  soft-thresholding and hard-thresholding is adapted.Moreever,adpt Hybrid threshold whose practicability is very strong.finaly complet the denoising fangzhen analysis based on wavelet transform using Matlab to programe.the result indicates that the improved method can gain higher SNR compared with single soft-thresholding or hard-thresholding.
Keywords  wavelet transform,denoise,threshold