
原文档由会员 sayhello 发布摘 要
This time the axial pison motor which I designed is for the tower gantry crane,after aggregating domestic and overseas research results of single-ring axial piston motor, this paper combined itself differences of multi-ring axial motor, and adopted modern design method, took the multi-ring for example.
Axial pison motor has the structure urgent, small radial size, moment of inertia, higher rotate speed,big flow, easy variable displacement, and can adjust automatically displacement wirth multi-way. It’s widely used for aircraft, shipping, engineering machinery, lifting transport, metallurgy etc especially width used in tower gantry crane.
In order to realize varible folw, the hydraulic system which applied axial pison pump and motor generally depengds on.flow regulating valve and swash plate. The result of applied these two types is limited variable flow, small range of variable speed and surplus power..So it can not realize lower speed but large flow output and constant-power in speed transformation.Based on variable flow by the swash plate, multi-ring axial piston pump makes the second variable flow to the system for adding the working pison, which not only widen variable range, but also effectively realizes large flow output and constant-power in speed transformation. As a new style, the design of multi-ring piston pump is far more complicate than sigle-ring, these exists independence and relating between the design of any ome component, and also between components.
Key words: Multi-ring axial piston motor,Hydraulic,Rotary,Tower crane
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 液压马达简介 1
1.1.1液压马达的特点及分类 1
1.1.2液压马达的工作原理 1
1.2 多排式轴向柱塞马达简介 3
1.2.1 工作原理 4
1.2.2 结构特点 4
1.3 双排式轴向柱塞马达 5
1.3.1结构选型 5
1.3.2 结构参数 5
2总体方案设计及选型 7
2.1 回转机构方案设计 7
2.2 液压系统方案设计 7
2.3 减速器方案设计 7
3 双排式轴向柱塞马达设计 9
3.1缸体设计 9
3.1.1 马达轴直径计算 9
3.1.2 马达排量要求 9
3.1.3 缸体强度和刚度校核 10
3.1.4 缸孔底厚计算 12
3.1.5 吸排油窗孔面积计算 12
3.2 柱塞设计 13
3.2.1 柱塞方案设计 13
3.2.2柱塞设计计算 14
3.2.3 柱塞承受PV值分析 15
3.3. 滑靴设计 17
3.3.1 滑靴方案设计 17
3.3.2 滑靴尺寸设计计算 18
3.4 压盘与斜盘设计 21
3.4.1压盘设计计算 21
3.4.2斜盘设计计算 24
3.5 中心弹簧设计 24
3.6 配流盘设计 27
3.6.1 配流盘方案设计 27
3.6.2 间隔角及减振阻尼孔的设计计算 28
3.6.3 配流孔及内、外密封带的设计计算 30
3.7 辅助支撑设计 32
3.7.1选型 32
3.7.2设计计算 32
4 总结 34