
原文档由会员 sayhello 发布
摘 要
在全球能源紧张、注重环境保护的今天,提高能源利用效率和发展可再生能源已成为无可争议的可持续发展能源的两个重要方面。风能作为一种无污染和可再生的新能源有着巨大的发展潜力。随着风能的开发和利用技术的发展,风力发电技术取得了显著的进步,并逐渐成为能源技术中的一个分支。风力发电机的叶片在风中的转速每分钟只有二十转左右,但发电机发电需要每分钟上千转的转速,因此需要通过增速箱增速来达到发电机发电所需要的转速。增速箱是保证风力发电机具有先进性、高可靠性、易维护性及经济性的重要部件。因此这就要求增速箱的能够实现高传动比,重量轻,体积小,效率高等特点。而行星齿轮传动是目前所有传动方案中最能实现这些要求的传动技术。因此风力发电增速箱常采用行星齿轮传动。常见的有两级2K-H (NGW)型行星传动加一级定轴传动组合,一级2K-H (NGW)型行星传动加两级定轴传动组合,一级双联(NW)型行星传动加一级定轴传动组合。本文就是采用一级双联行星传动加一级定轴传动组合,它的径向和轴向尺寸都较小。本设计以1.5MW风力发电机增速箱为对象,分析其传动方案包括结构形式、进行传动比的优化分配以及关键零部件的详细设计,并应用AutoCAD软件绘制传动升速箱的装配图,写出升速箱的设计说明书。
关键词: 风能 风力发电增速箱 行星齿轮传动 优化
Nowadays,the worldwide energy resources are intension and many countries focus on environmental protection.So improving the energy utilization efficiency and developing the renewable energy are two important parts.Wind energy is one of the new and renewable resources that have the good favorable development prospect. With the development of the exploitation and utilization of wind energy,the wind power generation technology also has the marked progress and becomes an embranchment of energy technology. The rotation speed of wind turbine's leaf blade is only about twenty rpm,but the electric generator needs thousands of rounds per minute.Therefore it needs a speed-increase gearbox. The speed-increase gearbox is the important part of the wind power generation ,which makes the wind power generation advanced, high reliability,easy maintainability and economy. Accordingly,it demands that the speed-increase gearbox can implementation high gear ratio, light weight, small size and high reliability. At present the planetary gear transmission is the best choice.So the planetary gear transmission is usually adopted at the speed-increase gearbox of wind power generator. The representative transmission schemes are two 2K-H (NGW type)planetary gear transmission combining with a fixed axis gear transmission,a 2K-H (NGW type )planetary gear transmission combining with two fixed axis gear transmission and a duplex planetary gear(NW type)transmission combining with a fixed axis gear transmission. This article adopts the duplex planetary gear transmission combining with a fixed axis gear transmission. Both the radial and the axial sizes of it are small. This article researches the speed-increase gearbox of 1.5MW wind power generator. In this article, we analyze the transmission scheme including structural style , optimize the transmission ratio and design the key parts in detail. The assembly diagram of the speed-increase gearbox and the design specifications of the transmission system are provided.
Key words: wind energy, the speed-increase gearbox of the wind turbine generator, the planetary gear transmission,optimization
目 录
在全球能源紧张、注重环境保护的今天,提高能源利用效率和发展可再生能源已成为无可争议的可持续发展能源的两个重要方面。风能作为一种无污染和可再生的新能源有着巨大的发展潜力。随着风能的开发和利用技术的发展,风力发电技术取得了显著的进步,并逐渐成为能源技术中的一个分支。风力发电机的叶片在风中的转速每分钟只有二十转左右,但发电机发电需要每分钟上千转的转速,因此需要通过增速箱增速来达到发电机发电所需要的转速。增速箱是保证风力发电机具有先进性、高可靠性、易维护性及经济性的重要部件。因此这就要求增速箱的能够实现高传动比,重量轻,体积小,效率高等特点。而行星齿轮传动是目前所有传动方案中最能实现这些要求的传动技术。因此风力发电增速箱常采用行星齿轮传动。常见的有两级2K-H (NGW)型行星传动加一级定轴传动组合,一级2K-H (NGW)型行星传动加两级定轴传动组合,一级双联(NW)型行星传动加一级定轴传动组合。本文就是采用一级双联行星传动加一级定轴传动组合,它的径向和轴向尺寸都较小。本设计以1.5MW风力发电机增速箱为对象,分析其传动方案包括结构形式、进行传动比的优化分配以及关键零部件的详细设计,并应用AutoCAD软件绘制传动升速箱的装配图,写出升速箱的设计说明书。
关键词: 风能 风力发电增速箱 行星齿轮传动 优化
Nowadays,the worldwide energy resources are intension and many countries focus on environmental protection.So improving the energy utilization efficiency and developing the renewable energy are two important parts.Wind energy is one of the new and renewable resources that have the good favorable development prospect. With the development of the exploitation and utilization of wind energy,the wind power generation technology also has the marked progress and becomes an embranchment of energy technology. The rotation speed of wind turbine's leaf blade is only about twenty rpm,but the electric generator needs thousands of rounds per minute.Therefore it needs a speed-increase gearbox. The speed-increase gearbox is the important part of the wind power generation ,which makes the wind power generation advanced, high reliability,easy maintainability and economy. Accordingly,it demands that the speed-increase gearbox can implementation high gear ratio, light weight, small size and high reliability. At present the planetary gear transmission is the best choice.So the planetary gear transmission is usually adopted at the speed-increase gearbox of wind power generator. The representative transmission schemes are two 2K-H (NGW type)planetary gear transmission combining with a fixed axis gear transmission,a 2K-H (NGW type )planetary gear transmission combining with two fixed axis gear transmission and a duplex planetary gear(NW type)transmission combining with a fixed axis gear transmission. This article adopts the duplex planetary gear transmission combining with a fixed axis gear transmission. Both the radial and the axial sizes of it are small. This article researches the speed-increase gearbox of 1.5MW wind power generator. In this article, we analyze the transmission scheme including structural style , optimize the transmission ratio and design the key parts in detail. The assembly diagram of the speed-increase gearbox and the design specifications of the transmission system are provided.
Key words: wind energy, the speed-increase gearbox of the wind turbine generator, the planetary gear transmission,optimization
目 录
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 本文研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外的研究和发展现状 2
1.3 风力发电机的原理 3
1.4 行星齿轮传动的特点 4
1.5 本文研究的内容 6
2 传动方案的选型 7
2.1 已知条件 7
2.2 选取传动类型和传动简图 7
2.3由已知条件推导得出的确定条件 8
3 传动比的优化设计 9
3.1 优化设计方法概述 9
3.2 优化设计目标函数的建立 9
3.3 优化设计约束条件的建立 10
3.3.1 传动比条件 10
3.3.2 邻接条件 11
3.3.3 同心条件 11
3.3.4 安装条件 11
3.3.5 齿轮不发生根切的条件 11
3.3.6 模数约束 12
3.3.7 齿轮接触强度条件 12
3.3.8 齿轮弯曲强度条件 20
3.4 建立传动齿轮箱的数学模型 25
3.5 利用Matlab求解最优值 27
3.5.1 Matlab软件的介绍 28
3.5.2 本次设计所调用的优化函数的介绍 28
3.5.3 建立目标函数的M文件 28
3.5.4 建立约束函数的M文件 28
3.5.5 求解并对结果圆整 29
3.5.6 优化结果与原设计的对比 31
3.6 利用最优解计算齿轮的基本参数 31
3.6.1 传动比的计算 31
3.6.2 行星齿轮的基本参数 32
3.6.3 斜齿轮的基本参数 33
4 结构设计 34
4.1 齿轮结构设计 34
4.2 机体结构设计 34
4.3 行星齿轮传动的均载机构 35
4.4 轴的结构 35
4.4.1 输出轴的结构设计 36
4.4.2 中心轴结构设计 37
4.4.3 行星轮心轴结构设计 38
5 关键零件校核 40
5.1 行星轮心轴强度校核 40
5.1.1 轴的受力分析 40
5.1.2 求支反力 40
5.1.3 求合成弯矩 42
5.1.4 求危险截面的当量弯矩 42
5.1.5 按弯扭合成强度校核 43
5.1.6 校核轴承 43
5.2 输出轴的校核 44
5.2.1 轴的受力分析 44
5.2.2 求支反力 44
5.2.3 求合成弯矩 45
5.2.4 求危险截面的当量弯矩 45
5.2.5 按弯扭合成强度校核 46
5.2.6 校核轴承 46
5.3 中心轴的校核 48
6 齿轮的润滑 49
6.1 齿轮润滑的意义 49
6.2 润滑方式的选择 49
6.3 润滑装置 49
7 结论 50
致 谢 51
参考文献 52