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本论文在机械传动国家重点实验室现有的水润滑动密封轴承性能试验台的基础上,从该试验台的结构组成上着手,对其工作原理进行了详细地分析和阐述,针对计量泵精确计量微细流量的特点,在Visual Basic 软件开发平台上,利用软件编程通过对数据的采集、储存以及分析来实现对动密封微细泄漏的计算机自动化动态检测。最后,在试验台上进行不同载荷和转速工况下的实验测试研究,为进一步完善该试验台的功能与相关技术指标,深入开展水润滑动密封轴承的理论研究和工程应用提供一定的科学技术依据。
Water-lubricated dynamic sealing bearings are composed by multi-groove surface arc line rubber alloy bush and metal shell with the dynamic sealing body, using new type engineering complex materials instead of dear metals as friction pair, and nature water instead of mineral oil as lubricating medium, having the advantage of reducing vibration, decreasing noise, wear-resistant, reliable, efficient, saving energy, optimizing the shaft structure and easy maintenance, thus realizing the purpose of resource-saving and environment-friendly. In order to broaden the engineering application area, through establishing the test bed, the thesis study how different materials, structures, rotating speeds, loads, temperatures, lubricating mediums etc influence its tribology performance and leaking rate, and this has important significance and engineering value in improving its lubricated and sealing performance.
Based on the former water lubricated dynamic sealing bearings testing machine in the State Key Lab of Mechanical Transmission of Chongqing University, the thesis definitude the function and technique index, setting about the structure of the testing machine, to analyze and expatiate the working principle in detail. Aiming at the characteristic of calculating small flow exactly for flow control pump, with the software exploitation platform of the Visual Basic, by the way of gathering, storing and analyzing the data using software, the thesis realizes examining dynamically of the dynamic sealing small leaking with computer automatically. Finally, a testing research is made on different loads and rotating speeds conditions on the testing machine, which provide stated technology according for the theory research and engineering apply of the water-lubricated dynamic sealing bearings.
Key words:water-lubricating, dynamic sealing, bearings, tribology, test
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
1 绪论 1
1.1课题的背景及实用意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 2
1.2.1水润滑动密封轴承的研究形状 2
1.2.2机械密封测试的研究形状 4
1.3本章小结 5
2水润滑动密封轴承试验台的工作原理分析 7
2.1动密封实验系统实现的功能及技术指标 7
2.2动密封实验系统的构成 8
2.2.1电机主轴传动装置 9
2.2.2压力仓装置 11
2.2.3油加压系统 12
2.2.4计算机检测和控制系统 18
2.3计量泵工作原理分析 20
2.3.1计量泵的结构 20
2.3.2计量泵控制工作原理 21
2.4本章小结 22
3 水润滑动密封轴承试验台控制系统的实现 24
3.1需求分析 24
3.1.1问题提出 24
3.1.2系统功能要求 24
3.2总体设计 25
3.2.1测试系统的构成 25
3.2.2测试系统的结构示意图 25
3.3详细设计 26
3.3.1系统界面设计 26
3.3.2代码设计 31
3.4系统调试 32
3.5本章小结 32
4 水润滑动密封试件的测试研究 34
4.1实验目的 34
4.2实验方法 34
4.2.1试验件 34
4.2.2实验内容 35
4.2.3实验条件 35
4.2.4实验装置 35
4.3实验步骤 36
4.3.1静态实验操作步骤 36
4.3.2动态循环实验操作步骤 36
4.4实验数据记录 37
4.5实验结果分析 38
4.6本章小结 39
5 总结 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43