数字式温度监控系统毕业设计论文,19142字摘要本设计是控制加热炉的温度保持在设定区间内,温度低于下限自动加热,温度高于上限自动降温,用数字显示加热炉实际温度。由数据采集电路的温度传感器(热电偶),检测加热炉的实际温度,经模/数转换后送入单片机中与设定温度值进行比较。控制方法采用增量型 控制方法,温度信号经比较后,由单片机输出控制触发电平,控制继电器...

此文档由会员 emplate 发布
本设计是控制加热炉的温度保持在设定区间内,温度低于下限自动加热,温度高于上限自动降温,用数字显示加热炉实际温度。由数据采集电路的温度传感器(热电偶),检测加热炉的实际温度,经模/数转换后送入单片机中与设定温度值进行比较。控制方法采用增量型 控制方法,温度信号经比较后,由单片机输出控制触发电平,控制继电器的开合。本设计采用数字 控制器,不但节省了硬件,而且具有控制精度高,可靠性高,操作方便,自动化高等特点。
关键词:数据采集 信号调理 键盘与显示 输出控制
The system in this article was designed to keep the temperature of furnace,which will heat itself automatically if the temperature is lower to the minimum and cold itself when the temperature is higher than the maximum then display the temperature,in an special area. The real temperature will be checkout through the data sample circuit and be sent after converting by A/D converter to MCU, where the data will be compared with the value defined before. The algorithm of incremental PID was adopted in this design. The on-off state of the relay is controlled by the electrical level output by the MCU after the temperature signal was compared. Because the digital PID controller was adopted in this system, the hardware circuit was cut down and it was perfect on control precise, more reliable, operated conveniently |and automatically.
Keywords: Data Acquisition Signal Conditionting Keyboard and Display Output Control
摘要 I
前言 IV
绪论 1
1 数据采集部分 2
1.1数据采集方式 2
1.2传感器的选用 4
2 信号调理电路的参数设计和选择 9
2.1前置放大器 9
2.2滤波器 11
3 转换电路的参数设计和选择 12
3.1 A/D转换器的选择 12
3.2 采样保持器 16
4 键盘与显示部分设计 16
4.1 键盘部分 16
4.2 显示部分 17
5 输出控制部分设计 19
5.1 80C51单片机的引脚定义及功能 19
5.2 开关量输出通道 21
6 软件部分设计 23
结论 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28
附录 29
[16]Philips Semiconductors and Electronics North America Corporation.DATA HANDBOOK 80C51-Based 8-Bit Microcontrollers.USA.1994
[17]Barry E.Jones,[Instrumentation Measurement and Feedback].1977
[18]Hermarn K P.Neuber,Instrument Transducers-An Introduction to their Performance and Design.Ind Ed. Clarendon Press.Oxford.1975
[19]Dr.Dienar Kohu and Dr.Jakob Schillinger.Stroke sensing device.Proceedings of 4th.International Solid Sensor and Actuators Conference.1985
[20]T.E.Bullak.E.J.Boudreaux.Sensor fusion in a nonlinear dynainical system.SPIE Vol.1100.1989
本设计是控制加热炉的温度保持在设定区间内,温度低于下限自动加热,温度高于上限自动降温,用数字显示加热炉实际温度。由数据采集电路的温度传感器(热电偶),检测加热炉的实际温度,经模/数转换后送入单片机中与设定温度值进行比较。控制方法采用增量型 控制方法,温度信号经比较后,由单片机输出控制触发电平,控制继电器的开合。本设计采用数字 控制器,不但节省了硬件,而且具有控制精度高,可靠性高,操作方便,自动化高等特点。
关键词:数据采集 信号调理 键盘与显示 输出控制
The system in this article was designed to keep the temperature of furnace,which will heat itself automatically if the temperature is lower to the minimum and cold itself when the temperature is higher than the maximum then display the temperature,in an special area. The real temperature will be checkout through the data sample circuit and be sent after converting by A/D converter to MCU, where the data will be compared with the value defined before. The algorithm of incremental PID was adopted in this design. The on-off state of the relay is controlled by the electrical level output by the MCU after the temperature signal was compared. Because the digital PID controller was adopted in this system, the hardware circuit was cut down and it was perfect on control precise, more reliable, operated conveniently |and automatically.
Keywords: Data Acquisition Signal Conditionting Keyboard and Display Output Control
摘要 I
前言 IV
绪论 1
1 数据采集部分 2
1.1数据采集方式 2
1.2传感器的选用 4
2 信号调理电路的参数设计和选择 9
2.1前置放大器 9
2.2滤波器 11
3 转换电路的参数设计和选择 12
3.1 A/D转换器的选择 12
3.2 采样保持器 16
4 键盘与显示部分设计 16
4.1 键盘部分 16
4.2 显示部分 17
5 输出控制部分设计 19
5.1 80C51单片机的引脚定义及功能 19
5.2 开关量输出通道 21
6 软件部分设计 23
结论 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28
附录 29
[16]Philips Semiconductors and Electronics North America Corporation.DATA HANDBOOK 80C51-Based 8-Bit Microcontrollers.USA.1994
[17]Barry E.Jones,[Instrumentation Measurement and Feedback].1977
[18]Hermarn K P.Neuber,Instrument Transducers-An Introduction to their Performance and Design.Ind Ed. Clarendon Press.Oxford.1975
[19]Dr.Dienar Kohu and Dr.Jakob Schillinger.Stroke sensing device.Proceedings of 4th.International Solid Sensor and Actuators Conference.1985
[20]T.E.Bullak.E.J.Boudreaux.Sensor fusion in a nonlinear dynainical system.SPIE Vol.1100.1989