
此文档由会员 emplate 发布
摘 要
本系统使用JSP,JavaBean等技术来实现。JSP(JavaServer Pages)是一种基于Java的脚本技术。在JSP 的众多优点之中,其中之一是它能将 HTML 编码从 Web 页面的业务逻辑中有效地分离出来。用 JSP 访问可重用的组件,如 Servlet、JavaBean 和基于 Java 的 Web 应用程序。JSP 还支持在 Web 页面中直接嵌入 Java 代码。可用两种方法访问 JSP 文件:浏览器发送 JSP 文件请求、发送至 Servlet 的请求。JavaBean 是一种JAVA语言写成的可重用组件。为写成JavaBean,类必须是具体的和公共的,并且具有无参数的构造器。JavaBeans 通过提供符合一致性设计模式的公共方法将内部域暴露称为属性。众所周知,属性名称符合这种模式,其他Java 类可以通过自省机制发现和操作这些JavaBean 属性。后台数据库使用Oracle数据库。
Design and Implementation of Web-based Human Resources Management System
With the popularity of computers and computer science and technology, the rapid development of more and more people began to use computers to solve practical problems. Employee information management is an important part of information management, in the face of a large number of personnel information, the use of manpower to deal with that is a waste of time and a waste of human and material resources, and low accuracy of the data. Therefore, the development of a user-friendly, easy-to-use human resource management software to automate processing becomes very important, this is the purpose of the system development and significance.
The system uses JSP, JavaBean, such as technology to achieve. JSP (JavaServer Pages) is a Java-based scripting technology. In the JSP of the many advantages, one of which is that it will be HTML encoded Web page from the business logic separated effectively. JSP access with reusable components, such as Servlet, JavaBean and Java-based Web applications. JSP also supports directly in the Web page embedded Java code. JSP can be used two ways to access documents: JSP documents sent by the browser request, the request sent to the Servlet. JavaBean is a JAVA language reusable components. For written JavaBean, type must be concrete and public, and has no constructor parameters. JavaBeans by providing consistency of design patterns in line with the method of public exposure of the internal domain called attributes. As we all know, the attribute name in line with this model, other Java type can be found through the mechanism and operation of self-examination of these JavaBean properties. The use of Oracle database back-end database.
This paper introduces the development of personnel management. Detailed paper from the system of needs analysis, systems analysis, outline design, detailed design of the entire development process.
Key words: information systems, automated processing, personnel management
目 录
毕业设计(论文)任务书 I
摘 要 II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题的背景 1
1.2 课题的目的和意义 1
第2章 关键技术介绍 2
2.1 JSP运行的原理 2
2.3 JSP数据库连接方法 3
第3章 系统分析 4
3.1 系统功能概述 4
3.1.1 各模块功能概述 4
3.1.2 模块功能详细概述 4
3.2 系统开发环境 5
3.3 系统任务的可行性分析 6
3.3.1 技术可行性 6
3.3.2 系统安全性分析 6
第4章 系统设计 7
4.1 设计指导思想和原则 7
4.1.1 指导思想 7
4.1.2 软件设计原则 7
4.2 数据库表设计 8
4.3 系统控制流程 10
第5章 系统实现 12
5.1 界面设计与实现效果 12
5.2 员工管理模块 12
5.3 培训管理模块 13
5.4 应聘管理模块 14
5.5 薪资管理模块 16
5.6 修改密码模块 17
第6章 系统测试 19
6.1 系统测试的原则 19
6.2 系统测试的方法 19
6.3 系统运行及维护 20
第7章 结 论 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 24
[1] 张青等. Oracle9i中文版基础教程[M].北京: 清华大学出版社2003.1.
[2] 陈绍英,戴金龙.软件测试案例分析[J].测试员.2005.8.
[3] 陈旭东等. . JSP2.0应用教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2006.7.
[4] 汪孝宜. JSP数据库开发实例精粹[M]. 电子工业出版社,2006,3.
[5] 软件设计模式.www.itisedu.com/软件设计模式.htm[EB/OL].2004.3.
[6] 许育诚.软件测试与质量管理[D].上海:海事大学,2004.6.
[7] 景新梅.软件产业原动力[J].中国计算机报,2005.7:32-33.
[8] Wendy Boggs,Michael Boggs.UML与Rational Rose 2002从入门到精通[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2002.7:213-378.
[9] 赵克佳,沈志宇,赵慧. UNIX程序设计教程[M].北京: 清华大学出版社,2001.4.
[10] Sun Microsystems.Inc.JavaTM 2 SDK,Standard Edition Documentation Version 1.4.1 [EB/OL].Sun Microsystems.Inc,2002.1.
摘 要
本系统使用JSP,JavaBean等技术来实现。JSP(JavaServer Pages)是一种基于Java的脚本技术。在JSP 的众多优点之中,其中之一是它能将 HTML 编码从 Web 页面的业务逻辑中有效地分离出来。用 JSP 访问可重用的组件,如 Servlet、JavaBean 和基于 Java 的 Web 应用程序。JSP 还支持在 Web 页面中直接嵌入 Java 代码。可用两种方法访问 JSP 文件:浏览器发送 JSP 文件请求、发送至 Servlet 的请求。JavaBean 是一种JAVA语言写成的可重用组件。为写成JavaBean,类必须是具体的和公共的,并且具有无参数的构造器。JavaBeans 通过提供符合一致性设计模式的公共方法将内部域暴露称为属性。众所周知,属性名称符合这种模式,其他Java 类可以通过自省机制发现和操作这些JavaBean 属性。后台数据库使用Oracle数据库。
Design and Implementation of Web-based Human Resources Management System
With the popularity of computers and computer science and technology, the rapid development of more and more people began to use computers to solve practical problems. Employee information management is an important part of information management, in the face of a large number of personnel information, the use of manpower to deal with that is a waste of time and a waste of human and material resources, and low accuracy of the data. Therefore, the development of a user-friendly, easy-to-use human resource management software to automate processing becomes very important, this is the purpose of the system development and significance.
The system uses JSP, JavaBean, such as technology to achieve. JSP (JavaServer Pages) is a Java-based scripting technology. In the JSP of the many advantages, one of which is that it will be HTML encoded Web page from the business logic separated effectively. JSP access with reusable components, such as Servlet, JavaBean and Java-based Web applications. JSP also supports directly in the Web page embedded Java code. JSP can be used two ways to access documents: JSP documents sent by the browser request, the request sent to the Servlet. JavaBean is a JAVA language reusable components. For written JavaBean, type must be concrete and public, and has no constructor parameters. JavaBeans by providing consistency of design patterns in line with the method of public exposure of the internal domain called attributes. As we all know, the attribute name in line with this model, other Java type can be found through the mechanism and operation of self-examination of these JavaBean properties. The use of Oracle database back-end database.
This paper introduces the development of personnel management. Detailed paper from the system of needs analysis, systems analysis, outline design, detailed design of the entire development process.
Key words: information systems, automated processing, personnel management
目 录
毕业设计(论文)任务书 I
摘 要 II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题的背景 1
1.2 课题的目的和意义 1
第2章 关键技术介绍 2
2.1 JSP运行的原理 2
2.3 JSP数据库连接方法 3
第3章 系统分析 4
3.1 系统功能概述 4
3.1.1 各模块功能概述 4
3.1.2 模块功能详细概述 4
3.2 系统开发环境 5
3.3 系统任务的可行性分析 6
3.3.1 技术可行性 6
3.3.2 系统安全性分析 6
第4章 系统设计 7
4.1 设计指导思想和原则 7
4.1.1 指导思想 7
4.1.2 软件设计原则 7
4.2 数据库表设计 8
4.3 系统控制流程 10
第5章 系统实现 12
5.1 界面设计与实现效果 12
5.2 员工管理模块 12
5.3 培训管理模块 13
5.4 应聘管理模块 14
5.5 薪资管理模块 16
5.6 修改密码模块 17
第6章 系统测试 19
6.1 系统测试的原则 19
6.2 系统测试的方法 19
6.3 系统运行及维护 20
第7章 结 论 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 24
[1] 张青等. Oracle9i中文版基础教程[M].北京: 清华大学出版社2003.1.
[2] 陈绍英,戴金龙.软件测试案例分析[J].测试员.2005.8.
[3] 陈旭东等. . JSP2.0应用教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2006.7.
[4] 汪孝宜. JSP数据库开发实例精粹[M]. 电子工业出版社,2006,3.
[5] 软件设计模式.www.itisedu.com/软件设计模式.htm[EB/OL].2004.3.
[6] 许育诚.软件测试与质量管理[D].上海:海事大学,2004.6.
[7] 景新梅.软件产业原动力[J].中国计算机报,2005.7:32-33.
[8] Wendy Boggs,Michael Boggs.UML与Rational Rose 2002从入门到精通[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2002.7:213-378.
[9] 赵克佳,沈志宇,赵慧. UNIX程序设计教程[M].北京: 清华大学出版社,2001.4.
[10] Sun Microsystems.Inc.JavaTM 2 SDK,Standard Edition Documentation Version 1.4.1 [EB/OL].Sun Microsystems.Inc,2002.1.