国电电力发展股份有限公司股权筹资与盈余管理问题研究 毕业论文.rar
国电电力发展股份有限公司股权筹资与盈余管理问题研究 毕业论文,摘 要我国资本市场自20世纪90年代初运行以来,资本市场的容量在不断扩大,股权分置改革也在逐步探索中发展,有关资本市场的实证研究也在迅速增长。自上个世纪八十年代以来,盈余管理作为财务揭示的热点问题,一直受到国内外会计界的广泛关注。盈余管理是企业管理当局为误导其...

原文档由会员 bshhty 发布国电电力发展股份有限公司股权筹资与盈余管理问题研究 毕业论文
摘 要
The capital market of our country since the beginning of the 20th century, the capacity of the capital market develops in continuously extend, ownership of a share cent place reformation too at gradually investigate, concerning the substantial evidence research of the capital market too at increase quickly. The surplus management behavior problem of the listed company is one of the problems that capital market is recently to suffer to value, in recent years, the surplus management behavior has been domestic and international and economic educational circles with the extensive and investigative and important lesson in accountancy's educational circles.
In China, because of the impact of the Special markets environmental conditions ,and the different money raising method will produce the different influence to the money raising result of the listed company. As a result, even appear parts of listed companies the tendency that manipulate the surplus. But many surpluses management completely is some surplus that a kind of opportunism behavior, is under the front the our country the not just very perfect circumstance in stock market particularly, the listed company inside manages the behavior to have affected the resources excellent to turn to install, injuring the benefits of the investor seriously. This text is main with the Chinese Country Electricity Group Company controls a the national appears on market to generate electricity company country electricity electric power development incorporated company( stock code :600795) for research object, from the company 1997 in all aspects the Shanghai stock exchange nominal quotation appears on market since then of first time IPO, right offerings, Seasoned Equity Offering, as to it's different money raising method, scale, thorough research in etc. in outlet, combine to join together its financial report as to it's each money raising method the influence that manage launches the analysis to the surplus, and never together the aspect proceeds the contrast, from but announce to public the money raising manage with surplus two it of relation.
Key Words:Listed Companies; Earnings Management;Seasoned Equity Offering
摘 要 II
第一章 导 论 1
1.1论文的研究背景 1
1.2选题的目的和意义 2
1.3 国内外相关研究综述 2
1.3.1国外的研究现状 2
1.3.2 国内的研究现状 3
第二章 上市公司盈余管理的相关理论 4
2.1 我国上市公司盈余管理的背景及现状概述 4
2.1.1 盈余管理的含义 5
2.1.2 盈余管理产生的原因 6
2.1.3 盈余管理的手段 6
2.2 我国上市公司股权筹资中的盈余管理分析 7
2.2.1 我国上市公司股权筹资现状研究 7
2.2.2 我国上市公司股权筹资中的盈余管理动机 9
第三章 国电电力发展股份有限公司及其筹资情况 13
3.1 国电电力公司概况 13
3.2 国电电力公司的筹资情况 14
第四章 国电电力发展股份有限公司筹资与盈余管理实证研究 16
4.1盈余管理的应计利润模型 16
4.2 国电电力筹资与盈余管理实证研究 17
4.2.1 国电电力在IPO过程中的盈余管理实证研究 17
4.2.2 国电电力在配股过程中的盈余管理程度研究 20
4.2.3 国电电力在增发过程中的盈余管理程度研究 22
第五章 研究结论与建议 25
5.1研究结论 25
5.2政策建议 26
致谢 28
参考文献 29
附录 31