
原文档由会员 bshhty 发布基于web的图书管理系统(JAVA+SQL)毕业设计
The present era is the rapid development of the information age. In all walks of life can not be separated from information processing, which is widely used in computer information management system environment. The greatest advantage the computer is able to use its information management. Control the use of computers for information, not only improve the work efficiency, but also greatly improved its security.
Especially for complex information management, computer can give full play to its advantage. Computer information management and information management system is closely related to system development is a prerequisite for system management. The system is to manage the design of library information.
Library as a distribution center for information resources, books and many users to borrow materials, including a lot of information and data management, today, there are many libraries are initially started, not even the use of computer information management. According to the survey that they had previously on the main form of information management is based on the text, tables, etc. to deal with the previous manual, for books to borrow (for example, the number of days library, library time exceeds the allotted number of days) and verification, such as statistics are often used library card to carry out manual inspections of the lending authority to borrow and borrow, such as artificial days, the manual for. Data processing work load is heavy, prone to error; as a result of the data range, easily lost, and not easy to find. Overall, the lack of a systematic, standardized means of information management. While some libraries have computers, but has not yet been used for information management, and its effect does not play, the more prominent of idle resources, which is management information system developed by the basic environment.
Manual data processing, the workload and high error rate, not easy to change mistakes. Manually take the library to borrow books manually manage the situation, as more information, books to borrow the management of information confusing and complicated; general lending are recorded in the library card, the number of books and the content recorded in the document library staff and administrators at the time it is only more clearly, over time, such as to carry out further inquiries, many have read the information, find the resulting query time-consuming, laborious. Such as a long time ago to make changes to the book is even more difficult.
Because of these problems, I think it is necessary to establish a library management system, so that the work of library management standardization and systematization, procedures, and to avoid arbitrary library management to improve the information processing speed and accuracy of timely, accurate and effective inquiry and revision of the book case.
Keywords: library management system, library management system, databas
第一章 绪论 3
1.1目的 3
1.2范围 3
1.3总体概括 4
1.4可行性研究的前提 4
1.4.1项目基本要求 4
1.4.2可行性研究方法 5
1.4.3决定可行性的主要因素 5
1.4.3可行性分析报告 5
1.5采用建议系统可能带来的影响 5
1.6社会因素可行性分析 6
1.6.1法律因素 6
1.6.2用户使用可行性 6
1.6.3系统存在的不足 7
1.7数据库 7
1.7.1SQL基础 7
1.7.2SQL语句 8
1.8应用技术以及开发工具的介绍 11
1.8.1Struts: 12
1.8.2Hibernate: 18
1.8.3Eclipse: 22
1.8.4JDK: 23
1.8.5Tomcat: 25
1.8.6MySQL: 25
1.8.7MD5加密技术: 29
1.9需求信息的整理 32
1.9.1对现有系统的分析 32
1.9.2对所建议系统的分析 33
1.10总结 36
第二章 系统需求分析 36
2.1软件概述 36
2.1.1介绍 36
2.2用户特征 39
2.3项目背景 39
2.4一般性约束 40
2.5假定的依据 40
2.5具体需求 41
2.5.1功能需求 41
2.5.2性能需求 41
2.5.3安全性需求 42
2.5.4软件质量属性 42
2.5.5技术方面 43
2.5.6系统功能分析 43
2.5.7应用需求分析 43
2.6数据库需求 44
2.6.1用户数据 44
2.6.2元数据 45
2.6.3索引 45
2.6.4应用元数据 46
2.6.5数据库管理系统 46
2.6.6创建数据库 47
2.6.7数据库理论基础 47
2.7系统数据库设计 51
2.7.1概念设计 51
2.7.2关系数据库的逻辑设计 52
2.7.3数据库的实现 53
2.8系统特色 61
第三章、系统概要设计 62
3.1系统总体设计 62
3.2系统流程 63
3.3概念设计 65
3.4用例设计 66
3.5概要设计说明书 66
3.5.1前言 67
3.5.2概要设计说明书 68
3.5.6数据模块窗体的设置 68
第四章、系统详细设计 74
4.1登录模块 74
4.1.1页面 74
4.1.2功能 74
4.2用户信息管理 76
4.2.1查询用户信息 76
4.2.2添加用户信息 77
4.3图书信息管理 78
4.3.1查询图书信息 78
4.3.2增加图书信息 80
4.4借阅信息管理 81
4.4.1查询借阅信息 81
4.5读者信息管理 83
4.5.1查询读者信息 83
4.5.2添加读者信息 84
4.6历史操作信息管理 85
4.6.1查询历史操作信息 85
4.7数据约束 86
4.8JavaScript验证脚本: 89
第五章、系统测试 95
5.1确认测试计划 95
5.2集成测试计划 95
5.3单元测试计划 95
5.4单元测试报告 95
5.5集成测试报告 96
5.6确认测试报告 97
第六章、用户手册 99
6.1引言 99
6.1.1编写目的 99
6.1.2背景 99
6.1.3参考资料 99
6.2用途 100
6.2.1功能 100
6.2.2性能 100
6.2.3安全保密 101
6.3运行环境 101
6.3.1硬设备 101
6.3.2支持软件 101
第七章、结论 102
第八章、英文资料 104
第九章、参考文献 107