

论提单风险与提单法律制度的完善,摘 要提单是海上货物运输最重要的单据,有关提单的法律规定与实际操作都与国际贸易和国际运输息息相关,同时在提单的应用上存在着一定的风险。在海商法领域,提单的法律性质是一个讨论已久的话题,但对此在理论界与实务界却仍存在着许多争议,尤其是对于提单法律制度的规范。明确提单的法律性质有着极其重要的现...
分类: 论文>管理学论文



原文档由会员 bshhty 发布


摘 要

 Bill of lading is the carriage of goods by the most important documents for legal requirements and practical operations and international trade and international transport are closely related, the application of the Bill of lading at the same time there was a certain degree of risk. In the field of maritime law, the legal nature of the Bill of lading is a discussion of this topic, but in theory and practice of the profession but there are a lot of controversy, especially for a bill of lading of the legal system of the specification. Clear the legal natures of the Bill of lading were crucial practical function, because the legal nature of the Bill of lading is not directly related to the various for disputes, and determines the Bill of lading for parties of the rights and obligations. Bill of lading has a title property, and does not have the nature of the debt. In the Bill of lading receipt of enjoyment, title, ownership, comprehensive said that more compelling. Modify the maritime law in China "requirement" transfer of ownership in the goods at the same time a bill of lading and transfer, if the parties except as otherwise provided, the ownership of said "to establish a legal basis, to perfect the relevant legal system. 

Key words:Bill of lading, The risk of bill of lading, The legal system of bill of lading, Consummate 
目  录

前 言 1
1提单的性质 2
1.1提单法律制度的产生与发展 2
1.2提单的法律性质 2
1.2.1 提单是有价证券 2
1.2.2 提单是文义性证券 2
1.2.3 提单是物权凭证 3
2海运提单的风险 4
2.1 倒签和预借提单 4
2.2 伪造提单 4
2.3 以保函换取清洁提单 4
2.4 无提单放货 5
2.4.1 选择交易伙伴 5
2.4.2 订立好买卖合同、运输合同,并开立好信用证 5
3海运提单风险的防范 7
3.1改革提单制度 7
3.1.1 改革银行的单项保证制度 7
3.1.2 在短途运输中使用海运单,以作为提单制度的补充 7
3.1.3 逐渐普及电子提单的使用 7
3.2 谨慎选择交易伙伴 8
3.3 订立好合同,并开立好信用证 8
3.4 提单风险的法律救济措施 8
3.4.1 申请扣押船舶 9
3.4.2 及时提起诉讼 9
3.4.3 申请禁令 9
结 论 11
致 谢 12
参考文献 13