

交通灯设计,1、基本要求(1)设计一个十字路口交通灯控制电路,要求主干道与支干道交替通行。主干道通行时,主干道绿灯亮,支干道红灯亮,时间为60秒。支干道通行时,主干道绿灯亮,主干道红灯亮,时间为30秒。 (2)每次绿灯变红时,要求黄灯先闪烁3秒(频率为5hz)。此时另一路口红灯不变。(3)在绿灯亮(通行时间内)和红灯亮(...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 ideal1991 发布



关键词: 脉冲触发     控制系统     计数器
ABSTRACT:From the traffic light control system block diagram, we can see that the overall circuit design ideas: first, by the clock pulse output, and then by the system control circuit controls the direction of east-west direction and north-south traffic lights as well as the 3 seconds countdown prompted some of the figures.
Traffic lights work flow, that is, north-south direction of the red light, green light east-west direction; north-south direction of the red light, yellow light east-west direction; north-south direction of green light, red light east-west direction; north-south direction of yellow light, red light east-west direction; while it timing of work relationship is this: Red light north-south direction east-west direction of time should be equal to bright yellow and green of the time, and; east-west direction north-south direction of red light time should be equal to bright yellow and green of the time, and; while the countdown part of the digital displayed as a red light is the time to suggest that the yellow light with a pulse signal control, namely, the green light will be played at the end to remind pedestrians role. 74190 control with two countdown.
KEY WORDS  Pulse  Trigger    control   counter
目录 4
1 引 言 6
2系统功能及基本原理 7
2.1 设计任务 7
2.2 系统基本方案 7
3 方案论证和比较 8
3.1 计数器选择 8
3.2 主干道和支干道红绿灯的设计 8
3.3 人行道红绿灯设计 8
4 系统设计 9
4.1 脉冲发生器设计 9
4.2 计数电路的设计 9
4.3 主控电路 11
4.3.1 红、绿灯控制电路的设计 11
4.3.2 黄灯电路的设计 12
附录 13