

浅谈三维动画设计与制作(毕业论文),****轻工学院毕业设计(论文)题 目:浅谈三维动画设计与制作 系、专业:计算机系、三维设计与制作 班 级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 摘 要计算机动画在教学领域的应用是这几年开始的,主要用于辅助教学和辅助训练,可提高学生的感性认识,使枯燥乏味的教学寓于生动、有趣的动画之中。尤其在自学与教学领域的应用,由于现在的一些课程...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 陈海峰 发布



题 目:浅谈三维动画设计与制作


班 级:



摘 要


本文详细的阐述三维在现在生活中的应用状况,发展前景和主要的实现手段。作者最终选择3D MAX作为实现方式,着重的讲述了3D MAX的优缺点和如何运用关键词:3D MAX;建模;


The application of computer moving pictures in education field has begun from recent years. The main use is to assistant teaching and training which can improve the students’ perceptual knowledge, making tedious teaching imply in the vivid and amusing moving pictures. The application in self-education and teaching is particularly important, for some current course are too intricate and abstract ,and can’t demonstrate to students, all that is a problem to either students or educators. The network-teaching ,computer moving pictures used for assistant teaching and training resolve this problem just in time. It uses three demons to set up the models, brings the training and demonstration which can’t be taken to the class, and makes it realize through the computer. In class, teachers can teach lively, making the puzzle course become simple. After class students can listen to where he hasn’t comprehended very well again and again, and doing that is good for revision, firm master, and can improve learning efficiency.

This paper has elaborated in detail the application of the three demons in modern life , the development prosper and main means to carry out. The author eventually choose 3D max as the carrying out means, emphasized the advantages and disadvantages of 3D max, and how to use 3D max to make three demon models of automatic component.

Key words: 3D max; model ;

目 录

第一章 绪论 5

第二章 三维动画的应用 7

2.1 方案论证 7

概述 7

2.2 3D软件介绍 8

2.3 小结 17

第3章 3D的建模方法 17

3.1 3D建模方法介绍 17

3.2不同建模的不同效果 18

第4章 模型的后期处理 23

4.1 标准渲染 23

环境和渲染效果 24

4.2 灯光和摄像机 27

摄影机对象图标 32

参考文献 34