零售业食品配送的现状与发展趋势【文献综述+外文翻译+开题报告+任务书+论文+实习报告】,目 录1 绪论21.1研究背景21.2研究意义22 食品配送概述32.1配送的概念32.2 零售业食品配送特点42.3 零售业食品配送的作用53 食品配送的现状分析63.1食品配送的模式63.2 食品配送的主要方式73.3 食品配送存...

原文档由会员 bshhty 发布零售业食品配送的现状与发展趋势【文献综述+外文翻译+开题报告+任务书+论文+实习报告】
目 录
1 绪论 2
1.1研究背景 2
1.2研究意义 2
2 食品配送概述 3
2.1配送的概念 3
2.2 零售业食品配送特点 4
2.3 零售业食品配送的作用 5
3 食品配送的现状分析 6
3.1食品配送的模式 6
3.2 食品配送的主要方式 7
3.3 食品配送存在的问题 7
3.3.1 企业对配送缺乏充分的认识和重视 8
3.3.2 第三方物流服务不能到位,食品冷链的市场化程度低 8
3.3.3 食品配送运输中的质量影响 8
3.3.4 连锁食品配送业的配送中心建设滞后 9
3.3.5 冷藏运输基础设施落后 10
3.3.6 现代配送的不合理表现形式 10
4我国食品配送未来发展趋势思考 12
4.1食品安全配送标准化的建设 12
4.2综合运用信息技术 13
4.3加快加强建立完善配送中心 13
4.4 利用第三方物流资源,优化配送策略 14
4.5配送合理化的措施 15
4.5.1 合理规划配送中心 15
4.5.2 开展共同配送 15
4.5.3 科学制订配送计划 16
4.5.4 优化配送路线 17
4.5.5 提高配送车辆车载率 17
5结语 18
6谢辞 19
7参考文献 20
8附录 21
The Present Situation and The Development Trend of Retail Food Distribution
Abstract: Food Distribution is an important part of the food industry. Currently with retail enterprises as the core of the formation and development of the retail distribution, retail enterprises have realized the importance of enterprise logistics development, and gradually gain goods logistics, through the establishment of independent business pair of logistics distribution center, the enhancement enterprise's core competitiveness. With the continuous improvement of living standards, the pace of life, people spend less time in the kitchen, food safety awareness and logistics, growing demand, it quickly pull the refrigeration food consumption. Modern distribution has been our government enterprise value, the rapid development momentum. The government will develop from the industry development of modern logistics as a support sustainable economic development, improve the investment environment, improve social economic benefits and reduce social costs, make full use of social resources important strategy. Logistics distribution system optimization is a continuous process improvement of dynamic, it will be with the development of science and technology and continuously improve logistics resources, with the optimal allocation and utilization rate of increase and improve.
Keywords: food safety and food distribution of food logistics