

des算法的可视化程序的实现,des算法的可视化程序的实现摘 要本毕业设计研究的是des算法实现及应用。选择该课题的意义在于:为了防止信息不被非法访问或窃取,实现达到该目的功能软件。des算法是对称的加密算法,具有速度快,执行效率高等优点,它是由ibm公司研制的一种加密算法.本设计实现了该算法并且集成了保密通信,加密演示,文本文件加密三大功能模块....
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 arm1123 发布


摘  要

The Implementation of Visible Software about DES Algorithm
The research work of this dissertation is the implementation of software about DES algorithm and its application. The meaning of this dissertation is based on: In order to prevent confidential information being illegally accessed or stolen find some ways to build software which function can reach described before. DES algorithm is one kind of symmetrical encryption algorithm, having highly speed, greatly execution efficiency. It's the result of IBM’s research work. This design implements the algorithm and integrates three modules, which is private communication Encrypting demonstration, text encrypting .The module of private communication provides a sample of C/S based communicate case. The module of encrypting demonstrate displays how to the DES works. The module of text encrypting implements the function of encrypting toward text and can save the cipher to a designated file. This design is coded by JAVA language. I declare a class which named des,and this class has two interfaces for the outside user, one used to encrypt, another decrypt. The two interfaces are encapsulated in the des class, in order to use for other occasions discretely. In this system, I use multi thread technology. The server side and client side are integrated on a panel, when send message, each peer firstly encrypts this message, the sending thread’s responsibility is to send the encrypted message, the receiving thread’s responsibility is to receive message and decrypt the message and then display to the end user! This dissertation implements the described above, briefly discuss the principle of the algorithm, the way and methods of the implementation, much knowledge about computer science. also constructing a software to fulfill described in this dissertation!

Key words: DES; secret communication; multi-thread

目  录
1 引言 1
1.1历史背景 1
1.2国内外现状 1
1.3课题的意义 1
1.4课题的实现方法 1
2 课题描述 2
2.1加密体制与DES算法 2
2.1.1算法与加密体 2
2.1.2加密解密的概念加密方法以及应用 3
2.1.3密码学简介 5
2.1.4算法的安全性 6
2.2算法流程 7
3 算法实现及应用 10
3.1应用程序结构 10
3.2应用程序底层加密接口 11
3.3功能模块定义 13
3.3.1保密通信模块 13
3.3.2加密演示模块 17
3.3.3 文本文件加密模块 20
3.3.4 简单密匙管理模块 20
结    论 22
参考文献 22
致    谢 23
声    明 24