房产证信息数字签名的实现,摘 要随着数字技术和安全技术的飞速发展,证件的防伪技术已成为信息安全领域亟待解决的问题。在信息安全上数字签名可以起到身份认证、核准数据完整性的作用。目前关于数字签名的研究主要集中基于公钥密码体制的数字签名。现在公钥密码体制已成为确保信息安全性的关键技术。rsa公钥密码体制是一种被广泛使用的公钥密...
此文档由会员 arm1123 发布房产证信息数字签名的实现
摘 要
Realization of Digital Signature
for Information of Certificate of House Property
With rapid growth of digital technique and safety technology,Identification document protection technology has become a desired issue in the security of information. Digital signature technology in information security has effect on authentication, data integrity. Currently research of Digital signature technology mainly is the digital signature based on public key systems.
Public-key cryptosystem has been a crucial problem of information security. RSA public-key cryptosystem is one of the widely used public-key cryptosystems. This thesis is concerned with the algorithms of RSA and hash function (SHA). Then to combine the RSA digital signature algorithm with hash function (SHA), a simulation soft anti-counterfeiting system for certificate of land and house property is given. In this thesis, the RSA encryption algorithm is discussed in details. A digital signature for authentication is used in Certificate Anti-Counterfeit
Key words: RSA; digital signature; hash function (SHA); Certificate Anti-Counterfeit; Authentication
1引言 1
1.1 证件防伪背景与意义 1
1.2本课题研究内容 2
2 相关理论知识 2
2.1数字签名概述 2
2.2 RSA数字签名 3
2.2.1 SHA1安全哈希算法 3
2.2.2 RSA算法原理 6
2.3 RSA数字签名算法的实现具体过程 7
3 房产证公文数字签名系统总体设计 9
3.1系统功能图 9
3.2 房产证公文处理模块 9
3.3 信息安全处理模块 11
3.3.1 RSA 密钥管理模块 11
3.3.2 签名生成模块 13
3.3.3 签名验证模块 16
4系统实现 17
4.1 密钥生成模块产生密钥的过程 17
4.2 对房产证件进行数字签名的流程 18
4.3 系统测试 19
结 论 21
参考文献 21
致 谢 22
声 明 23