
此文档由会员 金灿 发布电子商务环境下税收征管问题及其对策
Electronic commerce(e-commerce) is developing with hitherto unknown speed,this is knowledge economy and globalization integration inevitable result.E-commerce causes the development at full speed and becoming riper by its convenient and swift electronization.more and more enterprises move to manage on the net, on one hand it result reduction of the trade quantity,make the current tax base corroded,on the other hand e-commerce is a new thing that administration and information construction of taxing authority can’t also catch up with the progress,have caused “blind area land of the taxation”,the tax revenue loss problem of online trade is very serious.Solicit taxing or not from e-commerce and problem of how to solicit,all there are greater differences on theory and practice between developed country and developing country,also lack the existing mode and method of administration.This article organizes discussion for solving the problem.
This text has described briefly the concept,characteristic and current situation of the development of e-commerce at first,have offered an intact theory background for discussion below.Then analysis a series of tax collection and management questions between domestic and foreing commerce trade,show a lot of blanks and loophole of the current tax law of our country suddenly and point out strengthen our response e-commerce taxation has become a matter of urgency.Finally,analyzed the foreign e-commerce tax Treatment that in the hope of offering reference for our country.I am from angles such as the basic principle,improving the existing laws,as well as building a new model in terms of tax collection and management,have proposed a great deal of countermeasures for tax administration of e-commerce.Have put emphasis on the importance of strengthening international tax administration and cooperating in order to reduce the loss of tax revenue,lead e-commerce of our country to develop towards more favorable direction.
Keyword:E-commerce;Tax revenue;administration;Question;Countermeasure
1 绪论 1
1.1选题的目的意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1国外研究现状 1
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.3研究的思路与方法 2
2 电子商务概述 3
2. 1电子商务的定义与特征 3
2.1.1电子商务的不同定义 3
2.1.2电子商务的特征 3
2. 2电子商务的发展及现状 4
2.2.1国外电子商务的发展概况 4
2.2.2我国电子商务的发展概况 5
2.2.3我国电子商务环境下税收流失现状 6
3 电子商务对税收征管的影响 7
3. 1电子商务对税收原则产生挑战 7
3. 2电子商务对我国现行征管体系的影响 7
3.2.1对税款征收造成影响 7
3.2.2给税务管理带来困难 8
3.2.3税务稽查难度加大 9
3. 3电子商务对我国国际税收的影响 10
3.3.1国际税收管辖权冲突加剧 10
3.3.2国际避税现象加重 10
3.3.3对税收的国际协调提出更高要求 11
4电子商务环境下税收征管分析及对策 12
4. 1借鉴国际上的电子商务征税方案 12
4.1.1美国 12
4.1.2欧盟 12
4.1.3主要发展中国家 13
4.1.4经济合作与发展组织(OECD) 13
4.1.5存在差异的原因分析 14
4. 2我国电子商务税收征管应遵循的基本原则 14
4.2.1税收中性原则 14
4.2.2税收公平原则 14
4.2.3税收效率原则 15
4.2.4财政收入原则 15
4.2.5维护国家主权原则 15
4. 3强化电子商务环境下税收征管对策 15
4.3.1提出适应电子商务环境下的税收征管措施 15
4.3.2构建我国电子商务税收征管新模式 17
4.3.3加强国际间税收征管与协作 19
5 结论 21
谢辞 22
参考文献 23