人民币升值[外文翻译],英文:16395字符中文:4756字rmb appreciationabstract: at present, the rmb's appreciation has attracted wide attention because exchange rate movements on the impact of a c...

此文档由会员 wwwwe 发布英文:16395字符
RMB appreciation
Abstract: At present, the RMB's appreciation has attracted wide attention because exchange rate movements on the impact of a country's economy and international interests of all economies is closely related to
Caused by the yuan appreciation are also external factors, both internal and therefore a variety of measures to be taken and requested the co-ordination of the main stakeholders in order to cope with the impact of the appreciation.
This paper analyzes the causes and impact of RMB appreciation that the appreciation should seize the opportunities and to actively respond to challenges, to avoid sharp fluctuations in the Chinese economy.
一.An appreciation of the renminbi because
(1).An appreciation of the yuan external causes
First, the RMB reva luation pressure from the United States.
The US government believes that the long-term Sino-US trade surplus with the US dollar and China's pegged exchange rate policies, the depreciation of the dollar can be put into the role of trade, but to make Chinese products more competitive, there is an urgent demand appreciation of the RMB.However, the US trade deficit is determined by its sharp increase in foreign direct investment is too large, personal consumption expenditures is much higher than savings, and so a variety of factors, appreciation of the renminbi alone could not rescue its economy recession.Secondly, the pressure from Japan.
90 years since the Japanese economy has entered a long period of depression, inexpensive Chinese products in the Japanese market share rising, the Japanese government that the low prices of Chinese goods to foreign sales, not only Japan's current account deficit in the state, but also to the Japanese domestic market has brought the threat of deflation.Therefore, Japan strongly want to change the yuan reva luation of the domestic economy continues to slump and the decline in international competitiveness of the state.Once again, the pressure from the European Union.The continuing depreciation of dollar against the euro makes the link with the deva luation of the yuan against the euro, is also relatively recent years, China-EU trade continued to grow, the depreciation of the ......
.摘要:目前,人民币升值引起了广泛关注,因为对一个国家的经济和各国经济利益的影响,国际汇率变动是密切相关的。 由人民币升值所造成的外部因素还包括内部的,因此必须采取各种措施,并要求合作的主要利益相关者的协调,以应付该升值的影响。 本文分析了原因和人民币升值的影响,该升值应该抓住机遇,积极应对挑战,以避免在中国经济的急剧波动。
首先,从美国人民币升值的压力。 .美国政府认为,长远中美与美元和中国的联系汇率政策的贸易盈余的美元贬值可分为贸易的作用提出,而是使中国的产品更具竞争力,有一人民币升值的迫切要求。不过,美国贸易赤字是由在外国直接投资急剧增加测定过大,个人消费开支比储蓄高,所以多种因素,人民币升值不能仅仅拯救经济衰退。其次,来自日本的压力。90年以来,日本经济已进入日本市场的份额不断上升的抑郁症长期,廉价的中国产品,日本政府对中国商品的外国销售价格低,不仅日本在国家的经常帐赤字,但也在日本国内市场带来了通货紧缩的威胁。 因此,日本强烈希望改变人民币升值对国内经济持续低迷,在一国的国际竞争力下降。再次,来自欧盟的压力。.在美元对欧元持续贬值使得与人民币兑欧元贬值的联系,也比较近几年,中国与欧盟贸易继续增长,在对欧元,欧洲公司在中国的人民币贬值导致商品的成本上升,企业亏损,那么加拿大,欧洲联盟和其他国家和地区有其货币升值,以利用美元贬值的一些影响......