无线红外货车防盗系统,摘要随着现在油价高涨的愈演愈烈,以及现在运输业的大力发展,使得货车的油箱不再安全,由于货车长途居多,一次需要储存大量的油,再加上司机不可能时时在车旁,给一些不法的偷油分子可乘之机,偷走油,使得货车司机苦不堪言。 本研究旨在开发出一种利用红外技术来防止车主不在车旁时对油箱的时时监控,使得油耗子无机可乘...

此文档由会员 zhaosidelv 发布无线红外货车防盗系统
关键词: 防盗 红外 无线传输 编码
With the intensified oil prices now, and now to develop the transport sector, making the truck's fuel tank is no longer safe, mostly because long-distance trucks, a need to store large amounts of oil, coupled with the drivers not always work out in the car and to some Touyou unlawful elements an opportunity to steal the oil, making the truck drivers miserable.
This study aimed to develop a way to use infrared technology to prevent the owner is not near the vehicle when the tank from time to time monitor, so You Haozi no exploits, greatly improving the safety of the tank truck. Which applied to the passive infrared technology and wireless transmission technology. This equipment is divided into two parts, to monitor side, installed in the tank near to constant monitoring. Another part of the client, wearing the driver who always received the case of tank trucks. This article focuses on the monitoring side, the user Duanyou another partner to complete. The design of the basic features, then you can add features, as time and funding reasons, can only perform basic functions. Methods of work, when the car left the household goods, you can turn on the system, will monitor the end of the passive infrared open around the infrared feature to monitor the fuel tank, Ruoyou staff Kaojin too long, will trigger the wireless transmitter, a wireless signal sent through the compiler, After the client receives through the identification, obtained in an abnormal fuel tank can be made to prevent action.
Keywords: Security Infrared Monitor Wireless Coding
第一章绪论 1
1.1 本系统研发背景 1
1.2 本系统概述 1
1.3 国内的研究现状 3
第二章被动红外监控分析 5
2.1 被动红外探测器简介 5
2.1.1 被动红外探测器基本技术和工程中的应用 5
2.1.2 被动红外探测器红外探测的基本概念 5
2.1.3 动红外探测器的警戒区域感应模型分析 6
2.1.4 关于被动红外探测器的防宠物功能 6
2.1.5 三技术被动红外探测器中的微波探测器原理 6
2.1.6 关于反遮掩功能 7
2.2 本系统中红外监控的分析 7
2.2.1 本系统的红外监控模块电路图 7
2.2.2 红外监控安装位置 9
2.2.3 本系统中LM358的分析 9
2.2.4 垂直的两个功放分析 12
第三章无线发射模块分析 13
3.1 无线发射理论概述 13
3.1.1 无线电产生 13
3.1.2 无线电调制 17
3.2 TWH8778功率电子开关 19
3.3 编码模块PT2262 21
3.3.1 PT2262简介 21
3.3.2 PT2262工作原理 23
3.3.3 PT2262 典型工作电路图 24
3.3.4 PT2262/PT2272 编解码方式 25
3.3.5 PT2262在电路图中的运用 29
3.4 TDK5100F DATASHEET 简介 30
3.4.1概述 30
3.4.2特性 31
3.4.3 管脚排列 31
3.4.4 管脚定义和功能 32
3.4.5 功能模块说明 34
3.4.6 推荐的ASK和FSK调制时序图 37
3.5 TDK5100F DATASHEET 应用 39
3.5.150Q输出阻抗测试板电路 39
3.5.2物料清单 40
3.5.3晶振应用提示 40
3.5.4 时钟输出计算 42
3.5.5 功放应用提示 43
3.6 TDK5100F DATASHEET参考参数 44
3.6.1 电气极值范围 45
3.6.2 交直流特性 45
3.6.3 封装 48
第四章设计总结 49
致谢 51
参考文献 53