

促进内蒙古经济发展的因素分析,abstract: "the great western development" the implementation of the strategy of developing the western underdeveloped regions ushered in the development opportu...
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此文档由会员 寻找宁夏的风 发布

Abstract: "the great western development" the implementation of the strategy of developing the western underdeveloped regions ushered in the development opportunity, Inner Mongolia as the western province, also will seize the opportunity positive economic development. In recent years in the inner of……

关键词:GDP 地区生产总值 基本建设投资 社会消费品零售总额 第三产业
1985 163.83 75.6373 5.6848 52.42 4.3880 1.5173 530 4.8420
1986 181.58 84.8809 7.2939 47.57 6.3656 2.5430 664 5.5765
1987 212.27 96.3006 5.4114 53.32 8.4310 2.8820 1120 6.0345
1988 270.81 118.8967 5.0165 72.05 10.9390 3.1913 961 7.1570
1989 292.69 125.6875 4.5852 70.68 12.5158 3.6033 3050 7.7245
1990 319.31 130.5760 4.9415 70.77 16.9483 8.3415 2530 8.5647
1991 359.66 145.5207 6.2478 100.66 22.4597 9.7095 5532 8.5884
1992 421.68 168.6851 6.3988 149.24 31.9168 18.7901 7910 10.0203
1993 532.70 202.1478 6.1791 217.40 56.1843 47.9807 19213 12.2475
1994 681.92 247.2913 5.7617 250.99 51.3373 40.1312 29086 15.0400
1995 832.88 295.0161 5.6159 273.06 50.6785 43.0886 61801 16.5580
1996 984.78 335.3601 7.5551 275.54 56.9132 46.9782 38355 19.7786
1997 1099.77 367.9157 9.1114 317.50 60.9458 47.6730 44209 20.2451
1998 1192.29 400.8872 14.3054 350.16 68.1635 46.5538 44253 24.2189
1999 1268.20 437.3813 18.1797 383.37 75.0028 58.0958 40133 27.5159
2000 1401.01 483.9814 34.3664 430.42 84.7114 84.0697 54819 29.7521
2001 1545.79 537.3071 51.3916 496.43 94.3996 116.5039 47342 39.7389
2002 1734.31 598.9646 81.2413 715.09 113.4776 135.2503 58211 48.2847
2003 2150.41 726.7630 78.1312 1209.44 119.2581 138.4394 66529 54.3525
其中:Y代表地区生产总值,X1代表社会消费品零售总额,X2代表基本建设投资,X3代表固定资产投资总额, Z1代表出口总额,Z2代表进口总额,X5代表实际利用外资额,X6代表教育事业投资总额。
根据计算国民生产总值的支出法可知:GDP=消费支出+投资支出+政府支出+净出口。结合数据设模型的函数形式为:Y=a0+a1*X1+a2*X2+a3*X3+a4*X4+a5*X5+a6*X6+u (式1)