

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 蝶恋花香阁 发布


关键词  房地产企业;融资决策;融资组合;资本结构









With the improvement of China's financial markets and the progressive development of the real estate market, real estate corporate finance activities are more and more attention. The blood of the enterprise funds, in particular, the demand for real estate companies with capital   requirements of large and advanced features in place of time, it is particularly important in financing activities. Real estate project financing decision is an important part of pre-planning, financial management is the focus of the real estate business. Aimed at finding and determine the best financing programs to address the funding problems in the real estate development. Financing real estate companies a direct impact on project risk level of size and profitability, so study how the decision-making through scientific approach to determine the final financing package, the optimization of capital structure has important practical significance.
    In this paper, the objective fact that the current real estate development background for the analysis, first described the development of the real estate industry and ask questions, analyze the development situation at home and abroad to introduce the Western theory of capital structure and financing, capital structure and financing, capital structure and Financing decision to study the relationship; Secondly, we explore the traditional financing of real estate enterprises and newly emerging channels of financing, analysis of foreign real estate financing channels for enterprises, on this basis, analysis of the status of the real estate business and our real estate capital structure Optimization of capital structure business model and study the capital structure and financing risk factors; Finally, Jiangsu Mingwei examples reasoning of real estate company capital structure optimization is to maximize the enterprise value of the research financing, analysis of the project's capital structure, financing options and choose Optimize the capital structure.

Keywords   Real estate   Financing decision   Financing portfolio   Capital Structure
目       录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 3
1.1 研究的背景及意义 3
1.1.1 研究的背景 3
1.1.2 研究的意义 4
1.2 国内外研究现状 4
1.2.1 国外研究现状 4
1.2.2 国内研究现状 5
1.3 研究内容与方法 6
1.3.1 研究对象与范围 6
1.4 技术路线图 7
2 我国房地产企业资本结构与融资现状分析 8
2.1 房地产资本结构基本理论 8
2.1.1 相关概念的界定 8
2.1.2 资本结构与融资结构的区别和联系 8
2.2 房地产企业融资总体概况 8
2.3 房地产企业融资主要存在的问题 9
2.4 房地产企业融资方式 10
3 我国房地产企业融资渠道的研究 14
3.1 融资的分类 14
3.2 债权融资 15
3.3 自有资金 15
3.4 股权融资 15
3.5 债券融资 16
3.6 预收款 16
4 资本结构影响因素及资本结构优化 18
4.1.1 影响融资的主要因素 18
4.1.2 融资风险分析 19
4.2.1 政府政策 19
4.2.2 利率 20
4.2.3 房地产企业的获利能力 20
4.2.4 房地产企业的信用等级 20
4.3.1 各单项筹资方式的资金成本率 20
4.3.2 综合筹资成本率 21
4.3.3 杠杆效应 22
5.2.1 资本结构分析 28