智能充电系统的设计,摘 要近年来,随着电子产品向智能化,小型化方向的发展,充电电源正在向显示直观、操作方便等方向发展。传统的充电电源虽然使用操作方便,但是一般功能比较单一而且一种充电电源往往只能适用于特定的某些产品,并且输出电压电流不稳定。本文所设计的智能充电系统,充电电源采用了以mega16单片机为核心控制器。采用线性...

此文档由会员 智慧生活 发布智能充电系统的设计
摘 要
Intelligent Charging Power Supply
In recent years, electronic products develop to the intelligent and smart, but the Function of traditional charging power device is more often single and a kind of charging power supply can only be applied to certain products in specific. The charging device this paper designed employs Mega16 as the core controller and linear voltage and current regulator as the main charging part. The device has the following functions: quick and slow charging controlled, output voltage and current test and display with LCD, automatic switch between voltage regulator and current regulator, overheat protection and so on. The main charging part can output precise voltage and current almost not influenced by the grid voltage. The design of software could achieve many functions such as the major power status。
Keywords: charging device; voltage and current regulator; Mega16; digital control
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 方案论证与比较 2
1.1充电电源主体论证 2
1.2控制电路论证 3
第二章 电路设计与参数计算 5
2.1系统总体结构设 5
2.1.1ATMEGA16简介 5
2.1.2系统设计框图 6
2.2单元电路设计 7
2.2.1充电电路设计 7
2.2.2键盘显示设计 8
2.2.3电压、电流检测设计 9
2.2.4温度测量及保护电路设计 11
第三章 软件设计 12
3.1程序设计方法简介 12
3.2数控电源程序流程图 12
第四章 模拟仿真数据 14
4.1系统输入变化电压仿真数据 14
4.2 系统处于恒流状态仿真数据 14
4.3系统处于恒压状态仿真数据 15
第五章 结 论 16
参考文献 17
谢 辞 18