

蔬菜大棚温度自动测试系统的设计,摘 要温度控制是蔬菜大棚最重要的一个管理因素,温度过高或过低,都会影响蔬菜的生长。传统的温度控制是用温度计来测量,并根据此温度人工来调节其温度。但仅靠人工控制既耗人力,又容易发生差错。为此,现代的蔬菜大棚管理中通常需要温度自动控制系统,以简单方便、快速的的控制大棚内的温度。本设计以at89...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 huangbinbest 发布


摘  要


关键词 AT89C51单片机 AD590温度传感器 越限报警 自动测控






The Design of the Automatic temperature
control system in vegetable greenhouse


For the vegetable greenhouse, the most important management factor is the temperature control. If the temperature is too high or too low, the vegetables will be killed or stopped growing.Traditional temperature control is suspended a thermometer in greenhouse internal, the workers can regulate the temperature inside the greenhouse based on the temperature value. Now, the modern management of vegetable greenhouses usually uses automatic temperature to control system.
   The design use the AT89C51 microcontroller as the control center, within AD590 for temperature detection element, including the temperature control circuit, keyboard, display circuit, alarm circuit, achieving the greenhouse environment, temperature measurement and control, the user can set the desired alarm through the keyboard.
And using Keil as a software debugging interface, PROTEUS as hardware emulation and debugging interface to achieve the overall system debugging, the results show that the system can realize automatic temperature measurement and automatic control, So can always control the temperature of greenhouse for vegetable growth’s temperature range.
This system can effectively save human and material resources with strong scalability, simple configuration, operability and universal.

KEY WORDS  AT89C51 microcontroller  AD590 temperature sensor
control automatically


目  录

摘  要 I
1 绪  论 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
1.2 方案论证 2
1.3 方案组成 2
2 硬件电路设计 4
2.1 AT89C51单片机 4
2.1.1 AT89C51内部结构 4
2.1.2 AT89C51单片机的引脚 5
2.1.3 AT89C51的最小系统 7
2.2 温度采集电路 9
2.2.1 AD590温度传感器 9
2.2.2 温度采集工作原理 10
2.2.3 低通滤波电路 11
2.3 A/D转换电路 12
2.3.1 A/D转换器分类 12
2.3.2 ADC0809芯片 12
2.3.3 ADC0809与单片机的接口方式 15
2.3.4 A/D转换电路的工作原理 16
2.4 按键电路设计 16
2.4.1 键盘的结构和工作方式 16
2.4.2 按键电路 17

2.4.3 按键电路的消抖 18
2.5 温度显示电路 18
2.5.1 LED数码管 19
2.5.2 LED驱动电路 20
2.6 其它电路 21
2.6.1 电源电路 21
2.6.2 声音报警电路 21
2.6.3 光报警电路 22
3 软件系统设计 23
3.1程序流程图及分析 23
4 仿真与分析 27
4.1 电路图绘制 27
4.2 PROTEUS与KEIL整合后的电路仿真 28
4.3 PROTEUS仿真结果 29
5 结论 32
致  谢 34
参考文献 35
附  录 36