基于aspnet的精品课程网站的设计与实现,基于aspnet的精品课程网站的设计与实现目 录前 言ii1 概述11.1 开发背景11.2系统开发目的11.3项目开发的意义12可行性分析与使用技术介绍22.1需求分析22.2可行性分析22.2.1技术可行性22.2.2经济可行性22.2.3社会可行性32.3 开发环境32.4使用技术32.4.1 asp.net技术...

此文档由会员 zn25637415 发布基于ASPNET的精品课程网站的设计与实现
目 录
前 言 II
1 概述 1
1.1 开发背景 1
1.2系统开发目的 1
1.3项目开发的意义 1
2可行性分析与使用技术介绍 2
2.1需求分析 2
2.2可行性分析 2
2.2.1技术可行性 2
2.2.2经济可行性 2
2.2.3社会可行性 3
2.3 开发环境 3
2.4使用技术 3
2.4.1 ASP.NET技术介绍 3
2.4.2 WEB数据库技术 4
2.4.3 CSS技术 5
3系统需求分析 6
3.1精品课程网站设计的功能需求分析 6
3.2 系统功能模块划分 6
3.3 系统用例图 7
3.4 系统UML活动图 8
4 数据库的设计 9
4.1 系统E-R图 9
4.2 数据库的创建 10
4.3 表的创建与设计 10
4.3.1 数据表的结构 10
4.3.2 数据表的关系图 13
5 系统设计 17
5.1 网站首页 17
5.2 精品课程管理模块 18
5.3 学习资料模块 19
5.4 网上答疑 21
5.5 其他页面介绍 22
总 结 24
参考文献: 25
Abstract:With the rapid development of the computer technology, information network has been an important guarantee for the development of society. Modern education has broken through the traditional educational mode, combining with the network. Relying on the advantages of campus network to design and develop the platform of network teaching can provide comprehensive information for students and teachers and achieve the sharing of teaching resources. It can enhance the communication between teachers and students and promote the learning of the students and mastery of knowledge. As well it has great significance to reform the educational model of universities.
This graduation project mainly finishes and realizes the website design of electron technological up-market course.The design fully utilizes timeliness and regional of Internet. Some application about B/S mode,SQLSERVER2000, ASP.NET and so on.The design realizes some function,such as downloading some useful word files,a lot of PPT relevant the course,some materials about teaching.Students put forward the question, the teacher answers the question,etc. Through the website, it will enable users to access the online courses to the latest information, downloads courses, watch courses, also can give you some answers if you have questions.
Keywords: website design ASP.NET B/S
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