(外文资料翻译)浅析“回声定位的刺激的验证行为结果”,a: waveplots and spectrograms of the sound of a click (highlighted with black arrows) and its echo (highlighted with green arrows) recorded in the left (l) and ...

此文档由会员 寻找宁夏的风 发布
A: Waveplots and spectrograms of the sound of a click (highlighted with black arrows) and its echo (highlighted with green arrows) recorded in the left (L) and right (R) ears of EB and LB (sampling rate 44.1 kHz) (Sound S1 and Sound S2). Both EB and LB made the clicks in the presence of a position marker (shown in 1B) located straight ahead. Spectrograms were obtained using an FFT window of 256 samples, corresponding to approximately 5.6 ms in our recordings. Waveform plots and spectrograms are for illustration. While the exact properties of the click and its echo (e.g. loudness, timbre) are specific to the person generating the click as well as the sound reflecting surface, prominent characteristics of clicks are short duration (approximately 10 ms) and broad frequency spectra, both of which are evident in the plots. B: Position marker used for angular position discrimination experiments during active echolocation, and to make recordings for the passive listening paradigm. The marker was an aluminium foil covered foam half-tube (diameter 6 cm, height 180 cm), placed vertically, at a distance of 150 cm, with the concave side facing the subject. Note the 125-Hz cutoff wedge system on the walls of the anechoic chamber. C: Results of angular position discrimination experiments (for examples of sound stimuli used during passive listening listen to Sounds S5 and S6). Plotted on the ordinate is the probability that the participant judges the position marker to be located to the right of its straight ahead reference position. Plotted on the abscissa is the position of the test position with respect to the straight ahead in degrees. Negative numbers indicate a position shift in the counter clockwise direction. Psychometric functions were obtained by fitting a 3-parameter sigmoid to the data. 25% and 75% thresholds and bias (denoted in red) were estimated from fitted curves. The zero-bias line (dashed line) is drawn for comparison. D: Stimuli were recorded with microphones placed in the echolocator's ears, directly in front of the ear canal. E: During passive listening, stimuli were delivered using fMRI compatible in-ear headphones, which imposed a 10 kHz cutoff (marked with a dashed line in spectrograms in A). F–G: Behavioral results from the various passive-listening classification tasks (for examples of sound stimuli used during the various classification tasks listen to Sound S7, Sound S8, Sound S9, Sound S10, Sound S11, Sound S12, Sound S13). Shown is percentage correct. Asterisks indicate that performance is significantly different from chance (p<.05). Unless otherwise indicated, chance performance is 50%. Sample sizes (reported in Table S1 and Table S2) fulfil minimum requirement for confidence intervals for a proportion based on the normal approximation [48]. 1 = less than chance, because of bias to classify as ‘tree’.
Waveplots和主成分的声音点击(高亮显示一个黑色的箭头)和它呼应绿色箭头)(高亮显示记录在左边(左)和右(R)电子商务的耳朵和磅(采样率44.1千赫)(S1和S2)声音的声音。海尔哥哥和两磅的点击中出现的位置标记(图中)位于1 B的正前方。获得一个FFT等使用的窗口,对应256个样本大约5.6女士在我们的录音。波形的情节和主成分是说明。虽然确切的性质和它呼应的点击(如响度、音质)特别的人产生的点击以及声反射的表面,突出的特点的点击短时间(大约10 ms)广泛的频率谱,这两种疾病都是明显的阴谋。乙:位置标记用于角位置歧视时活动的回声定位的实验,为仅仅被动地听录音的范例。标志是一个铝箔泡沫half-tube覆盖(直径6厘米,身高180公分),放置垂直移动,在距离150厘米,有凹的面主题。注:125 -Hz系统截止楔形墙上的消声室。丙:角位置的结果(例如歧视实验中使用的声音刺激仅仅被动地听,听声音S5中)。在纵坐标线绘制世界绘制的概率是参与者法官位置标记是位于权其向前参考位置。在abscissa策划的位置是测试位置就直走在度。引入负数表示位置的偏移在柜台顺时针方向。心理功能得到拟合非3-parameter到数据。25%和75%的阈值和偏见(表示在红色)估计了拟合曲线从。这zero-bias线(虚线)被比较。医生:刺激记录在麦克风放置在echolocator的耳朵,直接在前面的耳道。艾凡:在被动听、刺激交付使用兼容式耳机,功能性核磁共振造影技术对10 kHz切断(标上虚线在主成分在一个)。结果:为vs2行为的各种passive-listening分类任务(例如使用声音刺激在各种分类任务听声音,声音,声音S7学生9月8日,声音S10、声音S11、声音S12,声音向)。证明是正确的。百分比星号显示性能显著不同的机会(p < . 05)。除非另有说明,有机会表现为50%。样品大小(表S1和桌子报道S2)满足最低要求一定比例的置信区间的基础上[48]近似服从正态。1 =不到机会,因为有偏见的分类树”。
The current study is the first to investigate which brain areas potentially underlie natural echolocation in early- and late-blind people (EB and LB). In EB, we found robust echolocation-specific activity in calcarine cortex – but not in auditory cortex. A similar pattern was observed in LB, but the activity in the calcarine cortex was not as extensive. We also found that the calcarine activity was greater for echoes reflected from surfaces located in contralateral space in EB but not LB. Our findings also shed new light on how the cerebellum might be involved in sensory processin..
Waveplots和主成分的声音点击(高亮显示一个黑色的箭头)和它呼应绿色箭头)(高亮显示记录在左边(左)和右(R)电子商务的耳朵和磅(采样率44.1千赫)(S1和S2)声音的声音。海尔哥哥和两磅的点击中出现的位置标记(图中)位于1 B的正前方。获得一个FFT等使用的窗口,对应256个样本大约5.6女士在我们的录音。波形的情节和主成分是说明。虽然确切的性质和它呼应的点击(如响度、音质)特别的人产生的点击以及声反射的表面,突出的特点的点击短时间(大约10 ms)广泛的频率谱,这两种疾病都是明显的阴谋。乙:位置标记用于角位置歧视时活动的回声定位的实验,为仅仅被动地听录音的范例。标志是一个铝箔泡沫half-tube覆盖(直径6厘米,身高180公分),放置垂直移动,在距离150厘米,有凹的面主题。注:125 -Hz系统截止楔形墙上的消声室。丙:角位置的结果(例如歧视实验中使用的声音刺激仅仅被动地听,听声音S5中)。在纵坐标线绘制世界绘制的概率是参与者法官位置标记是位于权其向前参考位置。在abscissa策划的位置是测试位置就直走在度。引入负数表示位置的偏移在柜台顺时针方向。心理功能得到拟合非3-parameter到数据。25%和75%的阈值和偏见(表示在红色)估计了拟合曲线从。这zero-bias线(虚线)被比较。医生:刺激记录在麦克风放置在echolocator的耳朵,直接在前面的耳道。艾凡:在被动听、刺激交付使用兼容式耳机,功能性核磁共振造影技术对10 kHz切断(标上虚线在主成分在一个)。结果:为vs2行为的各种passive-listening分类任务(例如使用声音刺激在各种分类任务听声音,声音,声音S7学生9月8日,声音S10、声音S11、声音S12,声音向)。证明是正确的。百分比星号显示性能显著不同的机会(p < . 05)。除非另有说明,有机会表现为50%。样品大小(表S1和桌子报道S2)满足最低要求一定比例的置信区间的基础上[48]近似服从正态。1 =不到机会,因为有偏见的分类树”。
The current study is the first to investigate which brain areas potentially underlie natural echolocation in early- and late-blind people (EB and LB). In EB, we found robust echolocation-specific activity in calcarine cortex – but not in auditory cortex. A similar pattern was observed in LB, but the activity in the calcarine cortex was not as extensive. We also found that the calcarine activity was greater for echoes reflected from surfaces located in contralateral space in EB but not LB. Our findings also shed new light on how the cerebellum might be involved in sensory processin..