

2011英语四六级绝密资料(很可能考)全程整理,2011年6月大学英语 四级六级作文 易考篇14篇,事实热文, 及核心词汇,考试心得;近几年四六级作文对比;四六级作文易得高分万能句型明天就考四六级了,我在这里总结下很可能考的热点,重点2011年6月大学英语四级六级作文预测1 :大学生就业 college students...
分类: 题库>外语等级考试


此文档由会员 寻找宁夏的风 发布


2011年6月大学英语 四级六级作文 易考篇14篇,事实热文, 及核心词汇,考试心得;近几年四六级作文对比;四六级作文易得高分万能句型


2011年6月大学英语四级六级作文预测1 :大学生就业
College Students’ Job Hunting大学生就业

In recent years, college students find it increasingly difficult to get a job. It sounds strange since young college students are usually intelligent, well-educated and eager to bring their talent into full play. Then what underlies the strange phenomenon?……
2011年6月大学英语四级六级作文预测2 :公务员考试热

Every year hundreds of thousands of people in China take civil service exams conducted at various levels in the hope of becoming government employees. Among them, postgraduates are a fast-growing force that can’t be ignored. The craze for being a civil ……
2011年6月大学英语四级六级作文预测3 :城市化

Presently, there is a tendency that a growing number of people are moving from countryside into city annually. A century ago, less than five percent of all people lived in cities. By the middle of this century it could be seventy percent, or almost six and a half billion people.

2011年6月大学英语四级六级作文预测4 : 大学里的各种讲座
My Opinion on Campus Lectures大学里的各种讲座

In recent years, more and more lectures are being given on campus. They are organized either by the departments or by the students unions with an aim to improve the students quality both mentally and academically. These lectures are usually in series and on different topics, such as arts, life, economy, psychology and world issues.

Generally speaking, the advantages of good lectures are variou……
2011年6月大学英语四级六级作文预测5 :文明礼貌
Good Manners文明礼貌

Good manners are very important in the communication of daily life. Everyone likes a person with good manners. But what are good manners? How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person?

Well, here are some common examples. A person with good manners never laughs at a people in trouble. Instead, he (she) always tries to consult or offer help to the person. When he (she) takes ……
2011年6月大学英语四级六级作文预测6 :教育

The two pictures look so similar at one glance, but they are totally different. In the first picture, a peasant boy, carrying a heavy bundle of rice straw is out of breath under the great pressure. His hope is to have a school to attend. In the second picture, a student is on his way home from school, a heavy bag of books on his back. What he wishes is that he didn’t have to go to school any more. How can the two boys at the same age have such different ideas about attending school?

The two pictures show some problems in the present education system in China. In the poor countryside, esp……
2011年6月大学英语四级六级作文预测8 :食品安全
Food Safety食品安全

Currently, many problems concerning the safety of food have popped up. As for me, I believe at least three factors account for this issue.

First, I observe that profits drive many food producers to commit illegal things. They aim to gain more money at the expense of consumers’ health. Second, the overuse of agricultural pesticide has resulted in the degradation of food quality. The excessive pesticide bears enormous health hazard for people. Furthermore, some food producers inject hormones into domestic animals so as to make them grow more quickly and thus they can turn in more profit. As a result, people’s health has been seriously disturbed.

All in all, food safety is such a great concern, and we all should do establish laws and implement them effectively to avoid producing toxic foods.

2011年6月大学英语四级六级作文预测9 :心理健康
How to keep psychologically healthy?心理健康

One in four people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of the year. When you fail to manage these problems, they are likely to cause various mental illnesses and physical illnesses.

The causes of mental health problems often vary a lot from one case to another. In today’s society, a good number of people are suffering from heavy pressure. Others are lacking in communication skills and feel they are living in an isolated world. In addition, a lot of people are ignorant of psychological knowledge about how to keep mentally fit.

……2011年6月大学英语四级六级作文预测12 :低碳
1. 低碳生活受到人们的普遍欢迎
2. 低碳生活方式非常有好处
3. 我们应该如何去做


Nowadays, there are a considerable number of individuals who prefer to lead a low-carbon lifestyle which find expression in the fact that more and more commuters are using public transportation system in their daily life.

Low carbon lifestyle can endow ..