基于spce061a单片机交通灯控制系统设计,基于spce061a单片机交通灯控制系统设计摘 要交通灯的智能控制是目前智能交通系统its领域中的一个分支。随着城市化速度的加快,机动车日益普及,人们受到越来越多的交通拥堵的困扰。而城市道路中交通拥堵有多方面的原因:车辆多,道路少;道路设置不合理;平面交通多,立体交通少;交叉路口交通灯时间设置不合理等等。而城市交通中平...

此文档由会员 tracy8086 发布
摘 要
关键词: SPCE061A单片机;交通信号灯;人性化智能控制
The intelligent control of traffic light is a branch in ITS of intelligent transportation system.As the accelerating of urbanization, motor vehicle is popularized day and day, there is a puzzles to people by traffic jam which is more and more serious.But there are many reasons for jam of urban traffic: more automobiles,fewer roads,unsuitable arrangement of roads,more plane traffic fewer stereo traffic;unsuitable arrangement on time of traffic light in crossroad, etc.Plane traffic takes up a great proportion of urban traffic.The place where jam occured frequently is crossroad.This is resulted from more vehicle flow and unreasonable time of waiting traffic light.This is q problem needed to be solved in urban traffic.
Although, the control of traffic light of crossroad in urban traffic is automatic,the alternative switch of red and green traffic light is timed,by which the interval time of switching is changeless.It is not suitable for practice.Because, when there is a big difference of east-west and north-south’s vehicle flow, if turn-on time is distributed by traffic light, the problem may appeared such as turn-on time of direction of more vehicles is lack,while one of fewer vehicles is excessive.Because of this problem, an unreasonable situation which is on one direction the traffic is jam which another direction is not jam is made.This is difference that automation control is inferior to manual control.
The system is designed to SPCE061A MCU core, through the process of SPCE061A design and the design of an external circuit to complete the system of control of all lights and time display. Simulated through the traffic light control system and control panel connections and realize the simulation of the system commissioning, commissioning results show that the system can automatically complete the simulation of traffic lights on the control board and two-color LED digital tube LED light control, able to in order to display the actual situation. Meanwhile, the control system with conventional traffic signal control than the system functions, the addition of humanized intelligent control, traffic flow through the detection of intelligent extend or shorten the access time to digital encoding of special vehicles to achieve the wireless transmission mode detection and rapid passage , at the traffic light change, have a voice prompt, voice in the broadcast when a remote query the current road conditions. The whole system can work in the normal state, working state of emergency, set between the state and check status of undisturbed switch, the system overall is good, user-friendly, high reliability.
Key words: SPCE061A SCM; Traffic Lights; Human Intelligent Control
目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1课题背景及研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究综述 1
1.3课题的任务及要实现的主要功能 2
2 总体方案设计概述 3
2.1现代化的交通信号灯控制系统 3
2.2系统设计主要功能 3
2.3路口交通模型介绍 3
2.4交通灯控制系统的结构 4
3 单片机简介 6
3.1 单片机概述 6
3.1.1 什么是单片机 6
3.1.2单片机的基本结构及硬件特性 6
3.1.3单片机的发展史 6
3.1.4单片机的应用领域 7
3.2 SPCE061A单片机概述 8
摘 要
关键词: SPCE061A单片机;交通信号灯;人性化智能控制
The intelligent control of traffic light is a branch in ITS of intelligent transportation system.As the accelerating of urbanization, motor vehicle is popularized day and day, there is a puzzles to people by traffic jam which is more and more serious.But there are many reasons for jam of urban traffic: more automobiles,fewer roads,unsuitable arrangement of roads,more plane traffic fewer stereo traffic;unsuitable arrangement on time of traffic light in crossroad, etc.Plane traffic takes up a great proportion of urban traffic.The place where jam occured frequently is crossroad.This is resulted from more vehicle flow and unreasonable time of waiting traffic light.This is q problem needed to be solved in urban traffic.
Although, the control of traffic light of crossroad in urban traffic is automatic,the alternative switch of red and green traffic light is timed,by which the interval time of switching is changeless.It is not suitable for practice.Because, when there is a big difference of east-west and north-south’s vehicle flow, if turn-on time is distributed by traffic light, the problem may appeared such as turn-on time of direction of more vehicles is lack,while one of fewer vehicles is excessive.Because of this problem, an unreasonable situation which is on one direction the traffic is jam which another direction is not jam is made.This is difference that automation control is inferior to manual control.
The system is designed to SPCE061A MCU core, through the process of SPCE061A design and the design of an external circuit to complete the system of control of all lights and time display. Simulated through the traffic light control system and control panel connections and realize the simulation of the system commissioning, commissioning results show that the system can automatically complete the simulation of traffic lights on the control board and two-color LED digital tube LED light control, able to in order to display the actual situation. Meanwhile, the control system with conventional traffic signal control than the system functions, the addition of humanized intelligent control, traffic flow through the detection of intelligent extend or shorten the access time to digital encoding of special vehicles to achieve the wireless transmission mode detection and rapid passage , at the traffic light change, have a voice prompt, voice in the broadcast when a remote query the current road conditions. The whole system can work in the normal state, working state of emergency, set between the state and check status of undisturbed switch, the system overall is good, user-friendly, high reliability.
Key words: SPCE061A SCM; Traffic Lights; Human Intelligent Control
目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1课题背景及研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究综述 1
1.3课题的任务及要实现的主要功能 2
2 总体方案设计概述 3
2.1现代化的交通信号灯控制系统 3
2.2系统设计主要功能 3
2.3路口交通模型介绍 3
2.4交通灯控制系统的结构 4
3 单片机简介 6
3.1 单片机概述 6
3.1.1 什么是单片机 6
3.1.2单片机的基本结构及硬件特性 6
3.1.3单片机的发展史 6
3.1.4单片机的应用领域 7
3.2 SPCE061A单片机概述 8