

plc控制变频调速五层电梯系统设计,plc控制变频调速五层电梯系统设计摘 要 plc(可编程控制器)作为一种工业控制微型计算机,它以其编程方便、操作简单尤其是它的高可靠性等优点,在工业生产过程中得到了广泛的应用。变频技术的发展推动了plc的应用。它应用大规模集成电路,微型机技术和通讯技术的发展成果,逐步形成了具有多种优点和微型,中型,大型,超大型等各种规...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 陈晓翠 发布


摘  要

关键词: 电梯;PLC;五层;




PLC (Programmable Logical Controller) took one kind most important, the application situation most industries control microcomputer, it is convenient, operation simple in particular by its programming merit and so on redundant reliability, obtained the widespread application in the industrial production process. It applies the large scale integrated circuit, the miniature machine technology and the communication technology development achievement, gradually formed had the many kinds of merits.
    Along with society's unceasing development, the building is more and more high, but the elevator became the high level building to have the equipment. After humanity's more than centuries unremitting endeavors, the elevator already from the handle switch operation elevator, the push-button control elevator develops to the present group control elevator, has made the indelible contribution .
    PLC in the control in the elevator the application mainly to manifest in its logical switch control function. This function enable PLC to have the logic operation, counts with fixed time as well as the data feeds output function. Rises and falls in the process in the elevator, each logical switch control and PLC very good union.   This article main discussion studies using MITSUBISHI Corporation's PLC molding machine carries on the control to the 5-floor elevator fluctuation, forms the elevator control system

Key words: 5-floor , elevator; PLC;



目 录
摘  要 1
1  绪   论 5
1.1 国内外电梯的研究现状 5
1.1.1电梯的定义和分类 5
1.1.2电梯的组成部分 6
1.1.3电梯的安全保护装置 8
1.1.4电梯技术发展概况 9
1.1.5 电梯发展方向 11
1.1.6 PLC在电梯中的应用 12
1.2 本次设计的目的和意义 12
2 系统的方案分析与论证 14
2.1 电梯的控制要求 14
2.1.1电梯轿箱的控制要求 14
2.1.2电梯门的控制要求 14
2.2 系统的方案分析 14
2.3 设计的步骤 16
2 .4电梯控制系统组成 18
2.5 电梯的工作状态 19
2.5.1 电梯的自检状态 19
2.5.2 电梯的正常工作状态 19
2.5.3 电梯强制工作状态 20
3 主电路的设计 21
3.1.主电路设备的选择 21
3.2.变频调速电梯主电路的设计 22
3.3.拖动电机主电路的设计 23
3.4.门电机主电路的设计 25
4 可编程控制器的设计 27
4.1 PLC的选型 27
4.2 可编程控制器的硬件设计 30
4.2.1 输入输出点的估算 30
4.2.2 开关量输入、输出模块的选择 31
4.2.3 I/O点的分配 31
4.3 可编程控制器的软件设计 34
4.3.1 为了更好的阐述起原理,现给出内部说明 34
4.3.2 梯形图原理分析 34
5 变频器的设计 41
5.1 变频器的选择 41
5.2 VS-616G5变频器的功能选择 42
5.3 VS-6161G5与周边设备的连接 44
6 七段数码显示电路的设计 46
7 保护功能设置 51
7.1 超速保护装置 51
7.2 轿厢超越上下极限位置,电梯制动装置 52
7.3 撞底缓冲装置 53
7.4 强迫换速装置 53
7.5无反馈保护 54
7.6超差保护 54
结束语 55
参考文献 56
致  谢 58