波浪中船舶谐摇问题的研究,[摘要] 随着航海事业的发展,船舶在大风浪中的安全问题已经成为大家关注的重点。但由于大风浪中船舶作业的特点,船舶事故还是时有发生,并对人身安全和国家财产造成了巨大的威胁。考察这些事故的原因,其中大部分是由于驾驶员对风浪中船舶操纵的特点不了解造成的。为了避免这些风险,本文试图从风浪中船舶谐摇的角度...

此文档由会员 jhs860520 发布波浪中船舶谐摇问题的研究
[摘要] 随着航海事业的发展,船舶在大风浪中的安全问题已经成为大家关注的重点。但由于大风浪中船舶作业的特点,船舶事故还是时有发生,并对人身安全和国家财产造成了巨大的威胁。考察这些事故的原因,其中大部分是由于驾驶员对风浪中船舶操纵的特点不了解造成的。为了避免这些风险,本文试图从风浪中船舶谐摇的角度上做一定的探索。本文首先对波浪中船舶谐摇运动的原理及谐摇运动的危害进行了介绍;其次用假设法建立了大风浪中船舶谐摇的数学模型;然后结合海浪情况和某船实际数据,运用数据统计的方法构建了船舶谐摇区模型图,通过对得出模型图的进行进一步的分析,得出了适用同类型的船舶的一般结论,并据此提出了预防船舶横摇谐摇的措施;最后本文还从纵摇谐摇的角度探究了海上允许速度的问题。
[关键词] 风浪中航行 数据分析 谐摇区模型图 海上允许航速
The research on ship's synchronous rolling in rough sea
【Abstract】: With the development of navigation, ship's safety problem in rough sea has become the important thing which pepole are facoused on. Due to the complexity and viriation of marine conditions accidents of this kind sometimes occurs, which has posed the huge theat to the personal safety and the state property. Inspecting these accidents, a lot of these accidents are started by navigators not knowing the ship's maneuver rule in big waves. To avoid this risk, this article attempted to make the further exploration from the angel of ship's synchronous rolling movement in rough sea. First this article introduced the theory and hazard of the ship's synchronous rolling movement, besides, through tentative method, establishes the mathematic model of ship's synchronous rolling movement. Then combine with the wave's characteristic and one ship' data using data statistical and analyse methods to establish one ship's synchronous rolling picture model, through analysis of the picture model, we get the general conclusions that could application in ship with the same characteristics. Base on the picture model, we get the method which prevention ship's synchronous rolling. At last, this article also explores the ship's permit speed at sea from the angle of synchronous pitching.
【Key words】: navigation in big wave. data analyse synchronous rolling picture permit speed at sea
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 谐摇产生的基础理论 2
1.1 谐摇产生的原理 2
1.2横摇谐摇产生的条件 2
1.2.1最大波面角与船舶谐摇时的横摇摆幅 3
1.2.2船舶横摇谐摇发生的条件 3
1.3谐摇的危害 5
第二章 实船横摇谐摇的分析 6
2.1横摇谐摇运动的方程 6
2.1.1谐摇与船舶固有横摇周期 6
2.1.2 横摇谐摇与波浪遭遇周期 6
2.1.3 横摇谐摇运动方程的建立 7
2.2计算实例与分析 8
2.2.1实船资料 8
2.2.2实船数据统计 8
2.2.3定性分析 11
2.3船舶在风浪中减小谐摇的措施 12
第三章 纵摇谐摇与海上安全航速 13
3.1纵摇谐摇产生的条件 13
3.2纵摇谐摇运动的分析 14
3.2.1纵摇公式的推导 14
3.2.2实船数据统计 14
3.2.3定性分析 15
3.2.4海上危险航速的计算 16
结论 17
致谢语 18
参考文献 19