超大型船舶的操纵性能研究,[摘要] 随着航运市场的快速发展,造船技术的大大提高,越来越多的超大型船舶不断投入营运。由于沿海水域、运河、港口等通航密度大,超大型船舶的可航水域受限。船舶在大型化发展的过程中,其船体尺度和主机推进马力都有了大幅度的增加,但是船体尺度和载重吨位的增加远大于所配备主机马力的增加。在操纵性能上,超大...
此文档由会员 jhs860520 发布超大型船舶的操纵性能研究
[摘要] 随着航运市场的快速发展,造船技术的大大提高,越来越多的超大型船舶不断投入营运。由于沿海水域、运河、港口等通航密度大,超大型船舶的可航水域受限。船舶在大型化发展的过程中,其船体尺度和主机推进马力都有了大幅度的增加,但是船体尺度和载重吨位的增加远大于所配备主机马力的增加。在操纵性能上,超大型船舶有其自身的特点:诸如紧急停船性能下降(冲程大),反应迟钝,舵效差,航向稳定性差,变速操纵较为呆笨,减速慢,加速也慢。L/B的值较小,易产生偏航;OB/D的值较大,浅水航行时易首倾,航行阻力增大、船速下降等。因此,对超大型船舶操纵性能的认识以及如何运用好其操纵特点,保证船舶的安全航行成了每一名海船驾驶员以及航海爱好者共同关心的课题。本文主要就ETERNAL BRIGHT(恒辉轮)的一些操纵性实验(Z型试验、改向试验、旋回试验、停船试验)和锚泊、靠离码头等操纵来阐述对超大型船的一些操纵体会,对其操纵特性作一些简单的总结。
[关键词] 超大型船舶 操纵性能 实验数据 旋回圈 停车冲程
Study on Maneuvering Performance of Super Large Ship
[Abstract] Along with fast development of the shipping market, the marine technology enhanced greatly, more and more super large ships unceasingly invest into transport business. Because of the density of navigation is too big on the coastal waters, the canal, the harbor and so on. The super large ships are limited by navigation waters. During the development process of ships in large scale, ship’s hull criterion and the horsepower of main engine all to have the large scale increase, but the increase of the hull criterion and the dead weight in tons is bigger than the one of main engine horsepower. In the handling performance, the super large ships have its own characteristic: The urgent stopping(stroke in lomg distance), the slow reaction, bad steering, bad directional stability. The speed change operation is bad, deceleration is slowly, the acceleration is also slowly.The L/B value is small, easy to yaw. The B/D value is large, easy to have trim of the head. Navigation drag increament, and the ship's speed drop on shallow water. Therefore, how to understand the handling performance of the super large ships ,as well as utilize its handling characteristic, to guaranteed the security of ship’s navigation becomes the same topic for ship officer and the navigation amateur. This paper mainly make some simple summaries about handling characteristic of the vessel of “ETERNAL BRIGHT”according to some practices of maneuverable experiments (Z-mode test, course changing test, turning test, stopping test), anchorage, alongside and departure wharf.
[Keyword] Super Large Ship Maneuvering Performance Experimental Data Turning Cycle Stopping Stroke
前言 1
第一章 超大型船舶的概念及其特点 2
1.1 超大型船舶的概念 2
1.2 超大型船舶的特点 2
第二章 ETERNAL BRIGHT轮概况及操纵性试验数据 4
2.1 船舶概况 4
2.2 操纵性试验数据 4
2.2.1 Z型试验 4
2.2.2 改向试验 5
2.2.3 旋回圈试验 7
2.2.4 ETERNAL BRIGHT 轮冲程特性 11
第三章 锚泊操纵 13
3.1 超大型船舶锚泊注意事项 13
3.1.1 驶入预定描地的操纵 13
3.1.2 抛描时的余速 13
3.1.3 抛描方法 14
3.1.4 注意事项 14
第四章 靠离泊操纵 17
4.1 靠泊操纵实例 17
4.2 离泊操纵实例 18
结束语 19
致谢语 20
[参考文献] 21
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