关于ism code 的实施与探讨.doc


关于ism code 的实施与探讨,关于ism code的实施与探讨[摘 要]:近几年来,由于海难事故频繁发生,造成船舶损害、旅客及船员生命丧失,甚至污染海洋环境、造成海洋资源重大损失。有鉴于此,国际海事组织制定ism code着重于船东及船舶有效管理营运、保障旅客及船员生命安全、防止海洋环境污染。规定全世界各地船舶所有人或经营人严格遵守,并强制在一定期...
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此文档由会员 jhs860520 发布

关于ISM code的实施与探讨

[摘 要]:近几年来,由于海难事故频繁发生,造成船舶损害、旅客及船员生命丧失,甚至污染海洋环境、造成海洋资源重大损失。有鉴于此,国际海事组织制定ISM code着重于船东及船舶有效管理营运、保障旅客及船员生命安全、防止海洋环境污染。规定全世界各地船舶所有人或经营人严格遵守,并强制在一定期限内实施。本文根据自己掌握的船公司及船舶实施ISM code的情况,结合自己海上实践的经历,综合吸收船公司及船舶实施ISM code的经验和专家学者的文献及相关资料,针对ISM code在船舶及航运公司以及船舶管理人员等方面实施在重要性和实施现状及遇到的问题,正确理解和运用ISM code,对船公司及船舶实施ISM code过程中遇到的问题做了一定的探讨和分析。阐明了安全管理体系是由人建立和运作的,要提高安全管理体系的管理水平,必须建立“以人为本、安全为天”的基本思想,始终把人的因素放在第一位,努力提高人员素质,使安全管理体系充分、适宜和有效地运作,实现保证海上安全、防止人员伤亡、避免对环境特别是海洋环境造成危害以及对财产造成损失的目标。

[关键词]:船公司 船舶 ISM code 安全  管理规则








With regard to the implementation of ISM code and Discussion

[Abstract]: In recent years,Frequent accidents due to disaster, causing damage to the ship, passengers and crew loss of life, and even pollute the marine environment, resulting in significant loss of marine resources. In view of this, the International Maritime Organization to develop ISM code focuses on effective management of ship owners and ship operation, to protect the safety of passengers and crew to prevent pollution of the marine environment. Around the world provides the owner or operator of the ship strictly adhered to, and enforce the implementation of a certain period of time. In this paper, hands according to their own companies and the ships of the implementation of the ISM code, the combination of their own practice experience at sea, the integrated absorption of the shipping companies and ship experience in the implementation of the ISM code and experts and scholars of literature and related information, the rules for the ISM in the ship and shipping and ship management personnel and the implementation of the importance of the implementation of the status quo and the problems encountered, the correct understanding and application of ISM code, companies and the ships of the ISM code implementation of the process of the issues encountered a certain amount of discussion and analysis. Safety management system set out by the people to establish and operate safety management system to improve the management level, we must establish a "people-oriented, safe for the day," the basic idea, the human factor is always the first place, efforts to improve the quality of personnel so that the full safety management system, appropriate and effective operation to ensure the achievement of maritime security, the prevention of casualties, especially to avoid the environmental harm the marine environment, as well as damage to property objectives.

[Key words]:Shipping companies ;ships;ISM code;safety;Management rules


目  录
第一章  ISM code概述...................................................5
        1.1 ISMcode产生的原因..........................................5
        1.2 ISM code的实施要求.........................................5
第二章  实施ISM code的重要及必要性....................................7
        2.2 承运人航行过失免责方面.....................................7
        2.3 件/单位责任限制方面........................................7
        2.4 海上保险方面...............................................7
        2.5 船舶抵押融资方面...........................................8
        2.6 船舶登记和方便旗船方面.....................................8
        2.7 港口国控制方面.............................................8
第三章  ISM code的管理思想和方法.......................................9
        3.1 ISM code的管理思想.........................................9
        3.2 ISM code的管理方法.........................................9
第四章  ISM code的实施................................................11
             4.13 适用范围.............................................11
             4.14 实施的本质...........................................11
        4.2 如何实施ISM code...........................................11
第五章 对ISM code运行有效性的评估.....................................14
        5.1 船舶航运公司SMS运行有效性指标体系的建立...................14
        5.2 评价模型的建立………………………………………………………….14
        5.3 评判模型的应用与验证………………………………………………….17
第六章  实施ISM code中出现的问题......................................19
        6.1 分析船舶在实施ISM code中出现“不符合”项的原因............19
        6.2  分析ISM code实施中的几个问题.............................22
第七章  如何充分实施ISM code并发挥其效能探讨..........................24
        7.1 如何加快ISM code的普遍执行………………………………………..24
        7.2 公司如何发挥SMS的效能……………………………………………….24
             7.21 SMS应具有的三个特性———信、亲、行……………………..25
             7.22 SMS的有效程度取决于公司管理和船员响应…………………..25
             7.23 可能为船公司提供的其他便利…………………………………..26
7.3 对ISM code实施的几点建议…………………………………………….27