

卫星导航系统的现状与发展,[摘要]: 随着国际贸易量的日益俱增,海洋运输船舶趋向于大型和超大型化发展,并且具有高危险性的vlcc不断增加。这些船舶的安全必须做到万无一失,否则就会造成巨大的经济损失和严重的环境污染。以gps为代表的卫星导航系统具有全球,全天候,高精度,实时,连续导航定位功能,从而保证航行更安全,海洋更清洁...
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此文档由会员 jhs860520 发布


[摘要]: 随着国际贸易量的日益俱增,海洋运输船舶趋向于大型和超大型化发展,并且具有高危险性的VLCC不断增加。这些船舶的安全必须做到万无一失,否则就会造成巨大的经济损失和严重的环境污染。以GPS为代表的卫星导航系统具有全球,全天候,高精度,实时,连续导航定位功能,从而保证航行更安全,海洋更清洁。本文主要根据自己所学习的卫星导航系统方面的知识结合自己海上的实践,综合吸收专家学者的文献以及资料。通过对GPS,伽利略导航系统,北斗导航系统等卫星导航系统的结构和原理深入的探讨和分析,对比各卫星系统的特点,并且结合当前国际的形势阐明了自己在卫星导航系统发展方向的认识。

[关键词]: 全球导航定位系统  伽利略导航  北斗导航  卫星导航









Satellite navigational system's present situation and development

[Abstract]:  With the increasing of international trade, Sea transportation ships trend large-scale and super large-scale development, and the high risky oil tanker VLCC is increasing quickly.These ships must be guaranteed the security, otherwise it can create the huge economic loss and the serious environmental pollution. Taking GPS as representative's satellite navigational system has the whole world, all-weather, high accuracy, and continual navigation localization function, thus ensure that ships navigation is safer, and the sea is cleaner. This article mainly acts according to the satellite navigational system aspect knowledge which I hare learnt, and unify myself marine practice, the synthesis absorbs expert literature as well as the material. Through to navigational system structure and the principle of GPS ,the Galileo system, the BeiDou satellite navigational system and so on, through discussion and the analysis, contrasts various satellite system the characteristic, and unified the current international situation ,I expound my understanding of the satellite navigational system development direction.

[Keyword]:  GPS  Galileo  BeiDou Navigation System  satellite Navigation



前言 1
第1章 卫星导航系统的原理 3
1.1 GPS的定位原理 3
1.2 其它卫星导航系统的原理 4
第2章 卫星导航系统的概况 7
2.1 GPS卫星导航系统和子午仪系统 7
2.2 Galileo卫星导航系统 9
2.3 GLONASS卫星导航系统 10
2.4 北斗导航系统 12
第3章卫星导航系统的发展趋势 14
3.1GPS卫星导航系统的发展趋势 14
3.2其他卫星导航系统的发展趋势 14
3.3组合趋势 17
结 论 20
致谢语 21
[参考文献] 22