影响我国沿海的海雾及雾中避碰规则探讨,[摘要]:海雾是影响航海安全的主要天气现象, 每年因海雾带来不良能见度从而造成的船舶碰撞、触礁、搁浅等海损、海难事故常常发生。据统计, 近2/3以上的海上碰撞事故是发生在不良能见度的天气条件下。我国海域辽阔, 海岸线漫长, 海雾一年四季都可出现, 因此, 航海工作者了解和掌握海雾的形...

此文档由会员 jhs860520 发布影响我国沿海的海雾及雾中避碰规则探讨
[摘要]:海雾是影响航海安全的主要天气现象, 每年因海雾带来不良能见度从而造成的船舶碰撞、触礁、搁浅等海损、海难事故常常发生。据统计, 近2/3以上的海上碰撞事故是发生在不良能见度的天气条件下。我国海域辽阔, 海岸线漫长, 海雾一年四季都可出现, 因此, 航海工作者了解和掌握海雾的形成、影响以及雾航中的注意事项对航海安全保障具有重要的意义。本文结合众航海家多年海上航海气象预报保障经验和积累的有关资料, 讨论了我国沿海海雾的一些特点, 并分析了两次雾航碰撞事故的原因及其与《国际海上避碰规则》的密不可分的联系。对于保证船舶在中国沿海雾中航行安全,防止事故发生,具有重要意义。
[关键词]:能见度不良 雾航 碰撞 事故 规则
The impact of China's coastal sea fog and mist of the Regulations for Preventing Collisions Discussion
[Abstract]: Sea fog affected the safety of navigation are the main weather phenomena, each year from adverse sea fog and visibility resulting in a ship collision, running aground, stranded, such as average, sea accidents often happen. According to statistics, nearly 2 / 3 or more incidents of collisions at sea are occurring in adverse weather and visibility conditions. China's vast sea, a long coastline, sea fog can occur throughout the year, so workers understand and grasp the navigational sea fog formation, as well as the attention of fog voyage of maritime safety and security matters of great significance. In this paper, the public navigator sailing weather forecasts for many years at sea to protect the accumulation of experience and relevant information, to discuss China's coastal sea fog some of the features and analysis of aircraft collision between two fog cause of the accident and its rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea inseparable Contact. Ship in China to ensure safe navigation of coastal fog, the Prevention of Accidents happen, of great significance.
[Key word]: Restricted visibility Navigate in fog Collision Accident rules
目 录
引 言....................................................................1
第1章 雾对船舶航行安全的影响 ............................................2
1.1雾及中国沿海的雾区状况 ...............................................2
1.2 雾对船舶航行安全的影响 ...............................................3
第2章 中国沿海雾中安全航行与《海规》.....................................5
2.2 正确领会运用《规则》..................................................5
第3章 雾中船舶碰撞事故实例分析..........................................6
3.2 A轮与B轮碰撞事故....................................................8
第4章 中国沿海《规则》下雾中的航行方法..................................11
4.6认真执行《国际海上避碰规则》及有关法规 ...............................13