国家赔偿法的归责原则问题的思考,专业的一本大学出来的论文 无需排版修改名字就好摘 要在国家赔偿制度中,归责原则是核心和基础,它直接体现着国家赔偿的立法政策,反映了国家赔偿的价值取向,并且决定着可引起国家赔偿的行为范围,直接影响到国家赔偿的程序及举证责任的承担等。在我国国家赔偿的立法过程中,学者们针对归责原则进行了激烈的讨...

此文档由会员 wuxianyongba 发布国家赔偿法的归责原则问题的思考
专业的一本大学出来的论文 无需排版修改名字就好
摘 要
关键词:国家赔偿法 归责原则 违法责任 无过错责任
In the state compensation system,imputation principle is the core and foundation, it embodies the legislation of state compensation policy,reflects the value orientation of state compensation policy, and determines the behavior scope which can cause of national compensation, the direct impact on national compensation program and the burden of the bear, etc.
In the process of legislating the state compensation law in our country, scholars have held heat-ed discussion on imputation principle,and various viewpoints have been put foward.. Eventually offence imputation principle has been put into praetice. Because of lacking deep and thorough stu -dy of it there appear evident drawbacks in carrying out the state compensation principle,outstan -ding in the narrow state compensation range; the operative characteristics are not strong enough..
Then, in view of the theory and academic schools thinking, the article proposed that established illegal liability principle should be puts forward in China, complementary liability without fault principle of compensation imputation principle system, this system not only regulate the administrative organs of state behavior, but also protect the citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and embodies the lawful rights and interests of the social equity. This system close union ,together with the tide, and the important practical significance.
Key words: state compensation law imputation principle
illegal liability liability without fault