此文档由会员 bshhty 发布桥梁毕业论文
The design is for the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Bridge bridge structure the span of which is 42.013m+
75m +41.m.and the section is single-box. The cantilever bridge use the methode of Balanced Cantilever construction .As aresult of the design load for seven, we use eight for security.
The main structure of the bridge construction phase can be devide into three phases, in accordance with the beam of the order and process of construction of each beam as wellas the Cradle mobile place, pouring concrete, three-prestressed construction process being taken into account. Works with the actual situation, the construction of the calculation is divided into 31 stages of the force, "General procedures for calculation of the bridge," were the construction of the beam in the process of internal forces, stress, deflection was calculated and checked. The design of the main bridge across-the first closure, after the lifting of temporary anchor, the last in order to consider the cross-Closure, closure strictly control the temperature in the 11 ~ 16 ℃
The size of vertical and cross section of girder is determined. The internal force of construction and operational phase of the control section is calculated using Doctor Bridge structure-design, which include the dead load, the live load, temperature internal forces and infrastructure caused by the internal forces of the settlement. The intensity and stress of Control section is computed respectively according to the ultimate limit state of bearing capacity and the ultimate limit state of normal usage the Combination for action effects. The number of prestressed bond is estimation and arranged them. Checking satisfy the requirement of "Highway of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete bridge design code". In addition, the bridge deck is designed.
Key words:
Continuous prestressed concrete girder bridge;balanced cantilever construction;combination for action effects;Doctor Bridge ;scheme choice
1 绪论 8
2 桥梁设计 12
2.1 桥梁跨径布置和箱梁截面尺寸拟定 12
2.1.1 跨径比 12
2.1.2 梁高 12
2.1.3 顶板厚度 13
2.1.4 底板厚度 13
2.1.5 腹板 13
2.1.6 连续通长束不宜过长 14
2.1.7 普通钢筋是预应力砼结构中必须配置的材料 14
2.1.8 关于扁波纹管、扁锚的采用 15
2.1.9 关于钢铰线的弹性模量 15
2.1.10 锚头或齿板的压陷、压崩破坏 16
2.1.11 横向失稳问题 16
2.1.12 先张法预应力混凝土构件的放张 16
2.1.13 超张拉问题 16
2.1.14 灌浆、封锚 17
2.2 引桥上部构造设计要点 17
2.2.1 遵循的技术标准及规范 17
2.2.2 主要材料 18
2.3 设计桥梁 19
2.2.1 桥型方案 19
2.2.2 上、下部构造 20
2.2.3 结构分析 21
2.2.4 预应力体系 22
2.2.5 悬臂施工时期荷载引起的结构内力计算 23
2.2.6 连续梁在运营阶段的结构内力计算 24
2.2.8 预应力混凝土结构的配筋计算 25
2.2.9 施工顺序 25
2.2.9 其他注意事项 28
2.3 预应力施工 34
2.3.1 预应力管道质量 34
2.3.2 预应力钢铰线 34
2.3.3 垫板 35
2.3.4 预应力质量的控制 35
2.3.5 支座、临时支座 35
3 系统的基本介绍 36
3.1 系统功能系统的基本功能 36
3.1.1 线桥梁 36
3.1.2 斜、弯和异型桥梁 37
3.1.3 基础计算 37
3.1.4 截面计算 37
3.1.5 横向分布系数计算 38
3.1.6 打印与帮助系统 38
3.2 系统的特色功能 38
3.2.1 材料库 38
3.2.2 自定义截面 38
3.2.3 自定义报告输出 38
3.2.5 调束工具 39
3.2.6 调索工具 39
3.2.7 脚本的输入输出 39
4 总体信息输入 40
4.1 基本信息 40
4.1.1 计算类别 40
4.1.2 桥梁环境 41
4.1.3 计算内容 41
4.1.4 附加信息 41
4.1.5 形成刚臂时决定节点位置的单元号 42
4.1.6 计算细节控制 42
4.1.7 规范 43
4.1.8 更新显示 43
4.1.9 帮助 43
4.2 钢束参考线定义 44
4.3 估算配筋信息 45
4.4 初始状态信息 45
4.5 桥梁博士关于材料定义问题 46
5 单元信息输入 47
5.1 单元的基本信息 47
5.2 截面几何描述 47
5.3 用快速编译器编辑3跨连续梁 48
5.4 单元编辑总结 52
5.5 注意 53
6 钢筋束信息输入 55
6.1 数据准备 55
6.2 钢束几何描述 55
6.2.1 竖弯输入 55
6.2.2 平弯 58
6.3 经验总结 58
7 施工阶段 61
7.1 全局挂篮编组 61
7.2 操作实例 62
7.3 注意 65
8 正常使用阶段 68
8.1 功能 68
8.2..基本信息 69
8.2.1 外力荷载描述 69
8.2.2 其它静荷载 69
8.2.3 活荷载 71
8.2.4 说明 72
9 验算阶段 74
9.1 控制因素 74
9.2 常见提示 74
10 图形输出 75
外文翻译 76
总结 87
参考文献 88
致谢 89