温度采集控制系统,摘要 介绍了一种新型数字温度传感器ds18b20,并用ds18b20和at89c52单片机研制了一种。使用ds18b20采集温度,并将温度通过单线总线传给at89c52单片机。at89c52单片机一方面通过串行输入输出口与pc机进行通信,远程控制温度;一方...
原文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布温度采集控制系统
摘要 介绍了一种新型数字温度传感器DS18B20,并用DS18B20和AT89C52单片机研制了一种温度采集控制系统。温度采集控制系统使用DS18B20采集温度,并将温度通过单线总线传给AT89C52单片机。AT89C52单片机一方面通过串行输入输出口与PC机进行通信,远程控制温度;一方面通过TEC9988芯片将温度、出错信息等转换成能够在数码管上显示的信息;一方面将从DS18B20读取的温度与有效温度最高值和最低值进行比较,若超过有效温度范围则启动报警系统,否则继续从DS18B20读取温度。本系统根据需要设置有效温度范围,并通过报警提醒PC机调整温度高低,实现温度控制。该系统具有实用性强、可靠性高等特点。
关键词 DS18B20 AT89C52单片机 温度采集控制 单线总线 串行输入输出 TEC9988 有效温度范围 报警
Title Temperature Gather Control System
Abstract Have introduced a kind of new-type digital temperature sensor DS18B20, and develop a kind of temperature gather control system with DS18B20 and AT89C52 one-chip computer. Temperature gather control system use DS18B20 to gather temperature, and transmit it to AT89C52 one-chip computer through the single-track bus. AT89C52 one-chip computer communicates with computer through serial import and export ports, controlling temperature long rangy. It changes the temperature, mistakes information, etc to be can in message that show on number in charge of through TEC9988 chip. Comparing the temperature that gathering from DS18B20 with supreme value and the minimum value of effective temperature. if the temperature exceed effective temperature range, starting warning system, else read temperature from DS18B20 to continue. This system set up effective temperature range according to need, and remind the PC of adjusting the height of temperature through the warning system, realizing temperature control. This system has practicability strong, high characteristic of dependability.
Keywords DS18B20
AT89C52 one-chip computer
Temperature gather control
Single-track bus
Serial import and export ports
Effective temperature range