试论中国传统吉祥图案在平面设计中的应用,目 录摘要1abstract1前 言2一、中国传统吉祥图案发展的历史源流以及形态特征2二、吉祥图案独特的艺术魅力及对平面设计的启迪3(一)吉祥图案是民族精神在艺术中的体现3(二)吉祥图案的意象性造型拓展了其艺术空间4(三)吉祥图案独特的色彩象征性5(四)吉祥图案的精神气韵6三、吉祥...

此文档由会员 bshhty 发布试论中国传统吉祥图案在平面设计中的应用
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
前 言 2
一、中国传统吉祥图案发展的历史源流以及形态特征 2
二、吉祥图案独特的艺术魅力及对平面设计的启迪 3
(一)吉祥图案是民族精神在艺术中的体现 3
(二)吉祥图案的意象性造型拓展了其艺术空间 4
(三)吉祥图案独特的色彩象征性 5
(四)吉祥图案的精神气韵 6
三、吉祥图案的发展要不断添加新时代元素 7
参考文献 8
致 谢 8
关键词:吉祥图案 平面设计 应用
On the Chinese traditional auspicious patterns in the graphic desigh of
Abstract: Art originates from life and inturn it is higher than life .As one of the forms art expression in china's historical and cultural tradition .Auspicious patterns are closely related to people's life .Customs and cultural background ."Auspiciousness" has theimplied meaning of people's best wishes . Sincere prayings and the longing for betterlife. Which can bring people happiness and hope. Asforits form of expression ,we can find the distinct expression in the application of all kinds of patterns and marks .In the modern place design ,it's unique vitalily has been shown to all ,and thus has become the valuable spring of inspiration in modern design .It is of vital significance for people to know and aequire the charm of the auspicious patterns ,for people can improve and enrich the cultural system as well as guide the modern art design in doing so.
Key Words: Tradition; Decoration; Patterns ; The charm of art; Auspiciousness ; Plane design