基于.net的内部邮件系统实现,摘 要电子邮件已经成为日常生活中信息交流最为常用的方式,各种内部信息交流平台也随之发展,应用到各行各业。本文主要讨论了一个局域网内部邮件系统的设计与开发,具体阐述了该内部邮件系统的实现原理,功能结构和系统开发。该内部邮件系统采用b/s结构,以visual studio .net 2005...

此文档由会员 逍遥少客 发布基于.net的内部邮件系统实现
摘 要
该内部邮件系统采用B/S结构,以Visual Studio .NET 2005为开发工具,使用Access数据库,结合HTML、ASP.NET和C#语言来完成系统的开发。系统实现了用户间邮件的发送和接收,同时支持附件和图片的收发,对已收到和已发送的邮件进行查阅,过期或废弃邮件的删除,个人的信息的存储等管理功能,为用户提供了一个方便快捷的信息交流平台。
关键词:内部邮件; 邮件管理; ASP.NET
Email has already become the most commonly used of communication in daily life, and various of internal information communicating platform for email service also applied into lots of industries. This thesis mainly talks about and analyzes into the designing and developing of an internal email system, explains in details of the theoretical realization, functional structure and systematical developing.
This internal email system which developed by Visual Studio and .NET 2005 is constructed under B/S structure, and with the joint help Access database HTML, ASP.NET and C#. This system has accomplished the goal of sending and receiving emails, meanwhile sending and receiving attachments and pictures is supported too. Additional it also can read emails in in-box and sent, delete mails abandoned and expired, help the users to store and manage their personal information, so this system can be considered completely as an information communication platform for all users.
Key words: Internal Mail; Mail Management; ASP.NET
目 录
绪 论 1
1 内部邮件系统系统分析 3
1.1 内部邮件介绍 3
1.2 系统需求分析 3
1.2.1 用户身份要求 3
1.2.2 系统功能模块设置 3
1.3 系统开发环境及工具 6
1.3.1 系统开发环境 6
1.3.2 系统开发工具 6
1.3.3 系统运行环境 6
2 内部邮件系统系统设计 7
2.1 数据库设计 7
2.2 系统模块设计 8
2.3 WEB页面设计 9
2.4 邮箱系统功能模块说明 12
2.4.1 系统流程图 12
2.4.2 用户注册和登录模块 13
2.4.3 写信模块 15
2.4.4 收信模块 16
2.4.5 删除邮件功能 16
2.4.6 邮箱选项模块 16
3 邮箱系统功能模块具体实现 18
3.1 邮箱系统写信功能模块核心代码 18
3.2 邮箱系统收信箱模块核心代码 19
4 邮箱系统功能模块测试 21
4.1 测试内容 21
4.2 测试方法 21
4.3 测试结果 23
4.4 测试结论 23
结 论 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26