超细粉体材料的制备及其对水性防水涂料的改性研究 本科毕业论文.doc
超细粉体材料的制备及其对水性防水涂料的改性研究 本科毕业论文,摘 要采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了超细粉体tio2,研究了ph值和煅烧温度对超细粉体tio2质量影响。结果表明,反应溶液的ph值控制在7左右可得到性能优良的粉体;煅烧温度控制在800℃左右,可得到金红石型超细粉体tio2;通过不同成膜物质的性能比较,选择纯丙乳液作为...
此文档由会员 yaoyao1111a 发布超细粉体材料的制备及其对水性防水涂料的改性研究 本科毕业论文
摘 要
关键词:超细粉体水悬浮液 水性防水涂料 分散 纯丙乳液
Ultrafine powder TiO2 particle was synthesized by using a sol-gel method, different pH values affecting reaction process and roasting temperature affecting the quality of ultrafine powder TiO2 particle were studied. It was found that the performance of the powder was excellent when the pH value was controlled around at 7. And when the roasting temperature was controlled around at 800℃, the sample of ultrafine powder TiO2 was rutile.
Compared with the performance of different film-forming substances, then chose the pure acrylic emulsion as the main film-forming substances. The dispersion effect of ultrafine powder TiO2 was studied by using different dispersing agents and the way of adding ultra-fine powder TiO2. Also the performance of waterborne waterproof coatings was effected by ultra-fine powder TiO2 and P/B. The results showed that calgon and carboxymethyl cellulose were used to disperse ultrafine powder TiO2 and the diversification effect was best. When the ultrafine powder TiO2 aqueous suspension was added into waterborne waterproof coatings, the diversification effect was best. At the same time, the performance of waterborne waterproof coatings was improved significantly when the ultrafine powder TiO2 was added in. when the P/B was 1, the film of water resistance, acidity resistance, alkali resistance was best. At last, the best formula was determined, and the performance of product has been tested in line with national standards.
Keywords: Ultrafine powder aqueous suspension;Waterborne waterproof coatings;Dispersing;Pure acrylic emulsion
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
1 绪 论 1
1.1 涂料概述 1
1.1.1涂料的定义 1
1.1.2涂料的组成 1
1.1.3涂料的作用 3
1.2 水性防水涂料的发展现状 3
1.2.1乳化沥青类 4
1.2.2改性沥青类 4
1.2.3合成高分子类 4
1.3 超细粉体防水涂料的发展现状 5
1.3.1超细粉体防水涂料国外发展现状 5
1.3.2超细粉体防水涂料国内研究现状 6
1.4 超细粉体TiO2的制备工艺 7
1.4.1气相法 7
1.4.2液相法 8
1.5 超细粉体的分散 9
1.5.1超细粉体的团聚机理 9
1.5.2超细粉体的分散机理 10
1.5.3分散剂的应用与选择 11
1.5.4超细粉体的分散方式 11
1.6 本课题研究的目的及意义 13
2 实验部分 15
2.1 实验主要试剂及仪器 15
2.2 溶胶凝胶法制备二氧化钛 16
2.2.1水解产物的制备 16
2.2.2超细粉体TiO2的制备 16
2.3 纯丙乳液的制备 16
2.4 固含量的检测 17
2.5 二氧化钛水悬浮液的制备 17
2.6 超细粉体TiO2分散性能表征 17
2.7 水性防水涂料的制备工艺 17
2.8 漆膜的制备 17
2.9 性能检测 18
2.9.1干燥时间 18
2.9.2耐水性 18
2.9.3耐碱性 18
2.9.4耐酸性 18
2.9.5容器中涂料的状态 18
2.9.6施工性 18
2.9.7贮存稳定性 18
3 结果与讨论 20
3.1 pH值对溶胶-凝胶工艺的影响 20
3.2 煅烧温度对制备超细粉体TiO2的影响 21
3.3 主要成膜物质的选择 21
3.4 分散剂的选择 22
3.5 超细粉体TiO2加入方式对分散稳定性的影响 23
3.6 超细粉体TiO2对水性防水涂料性能的影响 24
3.7.颜基比的选择 24
3.8 最佳配方的确定 27
4 产品性能检测 28
5 结论 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 33