某小型医院信息管理系统的设计与开发,摘 要本文所介绍的小型医院信息管理系统旨在改善某小型医院的信息管理,改变医院的信息处理基本还停留在手工方式的状况,降低劳动强度,提高工作效率。本系统不仅适用于医院的行政管理业务,也适用于具体的就诊事务业务。本系统可以使医务人员空出更多的精力和时间服务于...
此文档由会员 applelijie 发布某小型医院信息管理系统的设计与开发
摘 要
The Design and Implementation of a Small Scale Hospital Information Management System
The small scale hospital information management system is designed for improving the information management of small hospital, reducing the labor intensity and enhancing working efficiency. This system can support the administration of the hospital and manage the business. In addition, it can help facilitate the patient, and bring social and economic interest to the hospital.
This system uses PowerBuilder as developing language ,which is designed according to software life cycle. The system can implement the patient’s registration before his going to see a doctor, doctor’s processing prescription and management of expense. The thesis introduces the system’s project background and significance briefly, elaborates the system’s implementation process. It also analyses and describes all the stages of the system, including feasibility study, demand analysis, outline design, detailed design and system test.
Key words: database; PowerBuilder; prescription
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 1
2 关键技术介绍 1
2.1 开发工具及运行环境 1
2.1.1 总体开发工具及环境 1
2.1.2 开发工具简介 1
2.2 系统需求分析 2
2.3 系统功能结构设计 3
2.4 数据库设计与实现 4
3 本系统功能模块设计与实现 7
3.1 应用程序对象设计 7
3.2 职工登录界面 8
3.3 主界面 9
3.4 挂号系统模块 12
3.5 就诊管理模块 15
3.6 模板管理模块 18
3.7 数据管理模块 19
3.8 报表模块 22
4 关键功能点的测试 23
4.1 登录模块测试 23
4.2 用户密码修改功能点测试 24
4.3 病人费用报表功能测试 26
结 论 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 29
声 明 30